
Havana Brown - Get It [MV,뮤비,노래 듣기,가사] 하바나 브라운 겟잇

올드코난 2012. 12. 9. 13:11

호주 출신 가수 DJ 하바나 브라운 노래모음


Havana Brown - Get It 

[차례] 1. 요약 2.뮤직비디오 3. 노래가사 4.참고/가수/앨범 소개

▣ 요약 ▣ [가수] Havana Brown (하바나 브라운, Angelique Meunier, Havana Brown) [장르] 댄스,일렉,팝 [제작] ?[앨범] ?

[Music Video/Audio]

☞ 뮤직비디오 출처/소유권 유튜브 HavanaBrownVEVO 플러그인 *Thank you VEVO - Old Conan 

주의)  MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.-올드코난 (Old Conan)

[Lyrics] Havana Brown Get It 노래가사


Get it!


We party people

We party hard

Let me show it

So live it large

Turn up your speakers

So we can be

Dancin' free, free, free, free, free


We party people

We party hard

Let me show it

So live it large

Turn up your speakers

So we can be

Dancin' free, free


You can find us in the club

With our hands up in the air

Showin' everybody love

Live it up like we don't care

Everybody say...

EH! [x18]


We ride that boom boom

We ride it hard

That 808, my superstar

And we want it

No second chance noobs

Baby lets dance, dance, dance, dance, dance


We ride that boom boom

We ride it hard

That 808, my superstar

And we want it

No second chance noobs

Baby lets dance, dance


You can find us in the club

With our hands up in the air

Showin' everybody love

Live it up like we don't care

Everybody say...

EH! [x18]


You can find us in the club

With our hands up in the air

Showin' everybody love

Live it up like we don't care

Everybody say...

EH! [x18]

[Reference 참고]

하바나 브라운 노래 더 듣기 Tag(태그) => http://oldconan.tistory.com/tag/Havana Brown

▣ 하바나 브라운 설명 => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havana_Brown_(musician)


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