
Miguel - Girls Like You [MV,뮤비,노래 듣기,가사] 미구엘 1집 걸스 라이크 유

올드코난 2013. 1. 20. 12:29

미국 R&B의 새로운 얼굴. 2장의 앨범으로 세계적으로 인정을 받은 가수 미구엘 1집 노래모음.

Miguel - Girls Like You 

[차례] 1. 요약 2.뮤직비디오 3. 노래가사 4.참고/가수/앨범 소개

▣ 요약 ▣ [가수] 미구엘 (Miguel Jontel Pimentel, Miguel) [장르] R&B [제작] Miguel Pimentel, Mac Robinson, Brian Warfield [앨범] 1집 All I Want Is You(2010.11.30)

[Music Video/Audio]

☞ 뮤직비디오 출처/소유권 유튜브 MiguelVEVO 플러그인 * 


주의)  MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.-올드코난 (Old Conan)

[Lyrics] Miguel Girls Like You 노래가사



Girls like you remind me that I'm lonely, yeah

Remind me that I'm lonely

No one to play Connect 4 with me

I declare war with me

Knocked out and snore

From rolling around in my bed


Someone, anyone to listen

I feel like I'm missing the real thing

Tell me where I go

What I got a few

I can always call when I'm ready

But I feel like I'm wasting my time, yeah


'Cause my heart beats are empty

So once in awhile, I remember




I don't wanna think, I just wanna drink

'Cause I'm overcomed by this notion

Don't you know I'm real, baby can't you tell

But you got a hole in your heart

And I probably would dismiss it

The truth that I miss you for real

Hook-ups are through,

'Til I see a girl like you


'Cause my heart beats are empty

So once in awhile, I remember




Beautiful girls

Intelligent girls

Collate girls


I hate you (yeah, I hate you)

But the truth is I want you

And I need you

What's the very best way to reach you

I research you

'Cause I'm looking for something real



[Reference 참고]

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