음악/코믹 팝

The Lonely Island - 3-Way (The Golden Rule) (feat. Justin Timberlake & Lady Gaga)[MV,뮤직비디오,노래 듣기,가사] 더 론리 아일랜드 3집

올드코난 2013. 6. 19. 18:40
올드코난 (Old Conan) 추천 미국 코믹디 팝 그룹 더 론리 아일랜드 * 2011년 싱글로 발매된 곡/한국 가온차트 13위곡/ 레이디 가가, 저스틴 팀버레이크 피처링 곡 [제목] The Lonely Island - 3-Way (The Golden Rule) (feat. Justin Timberlake & Lady Gaga) [가수/그룹] The Lonely Island (더 론리 아일랜드) 멤버:Andy Samberg , Akiva Schaffer , Jorma Taccone [장르] R&B [제작] Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccone, Justin Timberlake, Alex Schwartz, Joe Khajadourian [앨범] 3집 he Wack Album(2013.6.7)


[Music Video/Audio]  ☞ 출처/소유권 유튜브 thelonelyisland  *  

주의)  MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.

[Lyrics] The Lonely Island 3-Way (The Golden Rule) (feat. Justin Timberlake & Lady Gaga) 노래가사



Back in that ass...


[Andy & Justin]

Your mom says hi, JINX!


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no


Y-y-yeah, y-y-yeah

Y-y-yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah






Summertime in the city

And everybody's having sex



You know, I just got a page from a girl

That I met last week at the Payless ([Andy:] Shoe Source...)



I also have a cutie to call

Who loves the way I knock on her boots



Well, it's time to mack

Let's handle that

In 2 to 6 hours

We'll meet back and regroup



So let's shoop!



Roll up to the crib

With some Bartles and James



Hop off the bus

With the Alizé



Now hold up, playa

What you diggity-doin here?



I should diggity-ask you the same! ([Andy:] Then she says...)



Hey, boys, I want you both

I hope that you think that's cool ([Both:] Say word?)

I know most guys won't freak together



But she forgot about the golden rule




It's okay

When it's in a 3-way

It's not gay

When it's in a 3-way

With a honey in the middle

There's some leeway

The area's grey

In a 1-2-3-way



Normally, I don't get down with dudes



But tonight is a special exception ([Gaga:] Great...)



See, you're my best friend

Through thick and thin



Now it's time to make a triple connection ([Andy:] Lights off...)



Here in the dark...([Justin:] Here in the dark...)

It's hard to tell...([Justin:] So hard to tell...)

Where her body ends...([Gaga:] La la....)

And my homie's begins...([Justin:] Hoo-Wee!)

This rule dates back...([Justin:] The golden rule...)

To ancient Greece...([Justin:] Talkin' bout Caesar...)

We're 2 Jack Trippers and a Chrissy



The new Three's Company!



You guys are still here



It's okay

When it's in a 3-way

It's not gay

When it's in a 3-way

With a honey in the middle

There's some leeway

The area's grey

In a 1-2-3-way



Fellas, get ready

To impress a chick

Helicopter dick, Go!

Helicopter dick ([Justin:] Uh!)

Helicopter dick ([Justin:] Alright!)

To impress a chick

Do the Helicopter dick! ([Gaga:] Wow...)



And all of that was okay

Cause it was in a 3-way

It's quite clear

When you see the instant replay

"Baby,two is enough"

That's what they'll say

But we'll say "Hell no"

1-2-3 way



Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah



The Golden Rule...

[Introduce Singer] 코믹 팝 음악 그룹 The Lonely Island

론리 아일랜드는 미국 캘리포니아 주에서 2001년에 결성된 가수겸 코미디언 그룹이다. 익살스러운 가사의 힙합곡을 주로 만들고 있고 현재는 뉴욕을 기점으로 활동하고 있다. 어렸을 때부터 유명한 노래들의 가사를 재미있게 개사해서 부르는 것을 즐겨 하다가 우연히 이들이 만든 노래가 대중에게 알려져 인기를 끌게 된 것으로 알려져 있다. 라이브 코미디 쇼로 시작해서 음악 패러디로 화제가 되기 시작했는데, TV 프로그램 《새러데이 나잇 라이브》(SNL)에서 음악 패러디 비디오인 〈Lazy Sunday〉를 발표하면서부터 인기를 끌었다. 이후에는 인터넷을 통해 관심을 끌면서 〈Dick in a box〉, 〈Jizz In My Pants〉, 〈On the ground〉, 〈Iran So Far〉, 〈I'm On a Boat〉 등의 패러디 음악 영상을 SNL에 방송하기도 하였다.

▣ 상세 설명 위키백과 => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lonely_Island 


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