
Simon & Garfunkel - Fakin' It [노래 듣기,가사] 사이먼 앤 가펑클 4집

올드코난 2015. 2. 25. 19:58

전설의 포크 듀엣 사이먼 앤 가펑클 4집 수록곡으로 펑크 락 비트 느낌이 드는 포크락으로, 1967년 빌보드 핫 23위를 기록.

[제목] Simon & Garfunkel - Fakin' It [가수/듀엣] Simon & Garfunkel (사이먼 앤 가펑클 *& 톰과 제리) 멤버: Paul Simon(폴 사이먼), Art Garfunkel (아트 가펑글) [장르] Folk rock, psychedelic folk [제작] Paul Simon [앨범] 4집 Bookends (1968.4.3.) 싱글 1967.7.7. 발매

[Music Video/Audio]  

☞ 오디오 출처/소유권 유튜브 SimonGarfunkelVEVO 플러그인 

주의)  MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요. 

[Lyrics] Simon & Garfunkel Fakin' It 노래가사 

When she goes, she's gone, If she stays, she stays here

The girl does what she wants to do,

She knows what she wants to do

And I know I'm fakin' it, I'm not really makin' it.


I'm such a doubious soul, And a walk in the garden, Wears me down.

Tangled in the fallen vines, Pickin' up the punch lines,

I've just been fakin' it, Not really makin' it.


Is there any danger? No, no not really, Just lean on me.

Takin' time to treat, Your friendly neighbours honestly.

I've just been fakin' it, I'm not really makin' it,

This feeling of fakin' it. I still haven't shaken it.


Prior to this lifetime, I surely was a tailor

(Good morning, Mr. Leitch. Have you had a busy day?)

I own the tailor's face and hands

I am the tailor's face and hands and

I know I'm fakin'n it, I'm not really makin' it

This feeling of fakin' it, I still haven't shaken it.

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