
신지훈, 백아연 - I Dreamed a Dream [MV,방송 동영상,노래 듣기,가사] SBS K팝 스타/ 뮤지컬 레미제라블 OST

올드코난 2013. 4. 16. 16:32
2013.4.14 방송된 SBS K팝스타 시즌2 최종회 특별 스페셜/ 시즌1&2 합동 무대 배틀 [제목] 신지훈, 백아연 - I Dreamed a Dream (뮤지컬 레미제라블 OST) [가수] K팝스타1 백아연 & K팝스타2 신지훈 [장르] OST, 팝 [제작] Claude-Michel Schönberg (music), Alain Boublil (French lyrics), Herbert Kretzmer (English lyrics) [앨범] 미발매 [설명] 2012년 하반기부터2013 년까지 세계적인 흥행을 거둔 뮤지컬 영화 레미제라블 (Les Misérables)의 가장 인기 있는 곡으로, 판틴(앤 헤서웨이)가 공장에서 쫓겨난 후 젊은시절을 회상하며 떠나버린 남편과 잃어버린 꿈을 노래한 것. 가장 유명했던 것은 영국의 브리티쉬 갓 탤런터에서 수잔보일이 불렀을 때였다.  당시 심사위원 중 한명이 그 유명한 독설가 사이먼 코웰마저 감동시킨 최고의 순간으로 기억된다.
[Music Video/Audio]

☞ 방송동영상 출처/소유권 유튜브 KPOPSTAR 플러그인 *


주의)  MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.-올드코난 (Old Conan)

[Lyrics] 신지훈, 백아연 I Dreamed a Dream 노래가사 (k팝스타 버전)


There was a time when men were kind

When their voices were soft

And their words inviting

There was a time when love was blind

And the world was a song

And the song was exciting

There was a time

Then it all went wrong


I dreamed a dream in time gone by

When hope was high and life worth living

I dreamed that love would never die

I dreamed that God would be forgiving


Then I was young and unafraid

And dreams were made and used and wasted

There was no ransom to be paid

No song unsung, no wine untasted


But the tigers come at night

With their voices soft as thunder

As they tear your hope apart

And they turn your dream to shame


And still I dream he'll come to me

That we will live the years together

But there are dreams that cannot be

And there are storms we cannot weather


I had a dream my life would be

So different from this hell I'm living

So different now from what it seemed

Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.


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