
노스트라다무스 예언서 4장 - 20세기의 교황에 대한 예언

올드코난 2010. 7. 22. 21:11

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이 글은 확실하게 번역된 것이 아니므로 단지 개인적인 이해의 정도로만 사용하시길 바랍니다. 사실 이 글의 많은 부분이 해석하기가 어려웠고, 또한 이글에서 사용되는 프랑스어 원문을 영어로 번역하는 과정에도 방언의 완전한 해석이나 문장 배열이 불완전함으로 인하여 완벽하지 못합니다. 단지 어느 정도 영문을 읽을 수 있는 사람을 위해 이 원문이 작성되었음을 알려드립니다. 저자는 확실하지 않습니다. 알아내는대로 이곳에 그의 인터넷 페이지 주소와 출처를 기재하겠습니다.
노스트라다무스 예언서




V.92 Prophecies on the popes of the twentieth century.

      20세기의 교황에 대한 예언


Apres le Siege tenu dix et sept ans

Cinq changeront en tel revolu terme

Puis sera l'un eleu de meme temps

Qui des Romains ne sera trop conforme



Apres: after; Siege: seat, chair, the Holy See; tenu (tenir): to hold, tenure; dix: ten; sept: seven; cinq: five; tel: such; terme: term, time; puis: then, afterwards; eleu: elected; meme: same; temps: time; qui: who; Romain: (fig.) Catholic, clergy; trop: too much; conforme: conformable.


After the Papacy held for seventeen years

17년의 임기를 가진 교황 후에

Five shall change in such a revolutionary period

다섯은 그러한 혁명의 기간에 바뀔 것이다

Afterwards one shall be elected in the same year (with his predecessor)

후에 누군가(교황)가 같은 해에(그의 전임자로) 뽑히게 될 것이다

Who shall not be too conformable to the clergy

그는 성직자로는 너무나 적합하지 않을 것이다


COMMENT: Pope Pius XI (1922-1939); Pope Pius XII (1939-1958); Pope John XXIII (1958 - 1963); Pope Paul VI (1963 - 1978); Pope John Paul I (1978); Pope John Paul II (1978 - now).

For the first time in the Church's history, many bishops, cardinals, even priests publicly criticize their pontiff, John Paul II who is single-handedly trying to upheld the Church's Teaching and Tradition.


VIII.44 The election of Pope John Paul II.

        교황 존 파울 2세의 당선


Le procree naturel l'Ogmion

De sept a neuf du chemin destorner

A roy de longue et amy au mi hom

Doit a Navarre fort de Pau prosterner



Procree (procreer): to procreate, to beget; Ogmion: used by Nostradamus to describe either King Henry of France or Pope John Paul II as both were anointed by God, and both play very vital role in human history; neuf: nine; chemin: way, road; destorner: anagram of dethroner which means to dethrone; longue: length, a long time; mi: half; hom (homme): man; doit: debit; Navarre: northern Spanish town; fort: fort; Pau: Pol for Poland or Paul; prosterner: to prostrate.


The naturally begotten Ogmion

자연히 생기는 Ogmion(헨리 왕 또는 존 파울 2)

By seven to nine through the way of dethroning

폐위의 방법을 통해 7에서 9(7+9) 인해

Shall be king for a long time and friend of half mankind

오랜동안 왕이 되며 절반의 인류가 친구가 되리라

The debit from Navarra shall prostrate at the fort of Pau

Navarra(북스페인 마을)로부터 차변기입(차용) Pau(파울?)의 요새에서 굴복할 것이다


COMMENT: At the end of 1978, after the death of JPI, the final selection of his successor narrowed down between a Polish archbishop and a Spanish cardinal. Pope JP II was ordained by God to be His Vicar on earth. He has been unyielding and steadfast in preserving the Church's Treasures of Faith. He is both much beloved and much detested.


VI.30 The holy See shall be betrayed by his own.

      신성한 주교는(의 관할권은) 그의 가족()으로 배반당할 것이다.


Par l'apparence de fainte sainctete

Sera trahy aux ennemis le siege

Nuit qu'on coidoit dormir en seurete

Pres de Braban marcheront ceux du Liege



Fainte: faked, false; sainctete: sanctity; trahy (trahir): to betray; siege: seat, Holy See; coidoit (coi): quiet, silent; en surete: being secured; dormir: to sleep; Brabant: part of W.Europe now including part of Netherland and Belgium; liege: league..


Through the appearance of false sanctity

그릇된 거룩함(신성)의 출현으로

The enemies shall betray the Holy See

적들은 신성한 주교를 등질 것이다([배반,밀고]할 것이다)

At night one shall feel secured during sleep

밤에 사람들은 수면 중에 안정됨을 느낄 것이다

Near Brabant those of Muslim league shall march

Barbant 가까이 이슬람교도 연맹의 그들은 진군할 것이다


COMMENT: The heretic clergy and Catholic shall betray the Holy Father. The Eastern league shall invade Europe all the way to Netherland suddenly.


V.49 John Paul II, the descendant of the ancient Roman Emperor.

      존 파울 2, 고대 로마 황제의 후예


Nul de l'Espagne, mais de l'antique France

Ne sera eleu pour le tremblant nacelle

A l'ennemy sera faicte fiance

Qui dans son regne sera peste cruelle



Nul : none; Espagne: Spain; mais: but; eleu: elected; tremblant: trembling; nacelle: cockle boat, (fig.) the Church; faicte: (pronounced as faked); peste: plague.


Not from Spain but from ancient France

스페인으로부터가 아닌 고대 프랑스로부터

Shall be elected for the trembling Church

흔들리는(떨리는) 교회를 위해 뽑힐 것이다

With his enemies shall disguise as friends

그의 적들이 친구들로 변장하게 되는 것으로(?)

Who shall reign during the cruel plague

그는 잔혹한 전염병 동안 통치하게 되리라


COMMENT: Pope John Paul II who originated from the southern part of Poland which was once a part of the ancient Empire of Charlesmagne, might be the descendant of the Christian Emperor himself. He was chosen over a Spanish cardinal for the papacy to lead us through the most difficult period of the Church. He has many dissents and oppositions among the clergy.


II.41 Pope John Paul II shall flee from Rome. The preceding sign is the comet.

      교황 존 파울 2세는 로마로부터 달아난다. 선행하는 이적(신호)은 혜성이다.


La grand estoile par sept jours bruslera

Nue fera deux soleils apparoir

Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera

Qunad grand Pontif changera de terroir



Estoile: star; sept: seven; brulera (brulure): burning; nue: bare, naked; apparoir: appear, gros: large; mastin: mastiff, dog, (fig.) Muslim forces; hurlera: shall howl; toute: all.


The great star for seven days shall burn

7일동안 커다란 별이 불타오르리라

So nakedly clear like two suns appearing

그래서 두 개의 태양이 나타난 것처럼 꾸밈없이(무척) 밝을 것이다(?)

The large dog all night howling

거대한 개가 모든 밤에 울부짖고

While the great Pontiff shall change his territory

그동안 위대한 교황은 그의 영토를 바꿀 것이다


COMMENT: The great comet shall be seen for many days (Seven in prophetic languages stands for grandness, completion). Afterwards, Pope John Paul II shall flee from Rome as Muslims invade Italy.


II.43 Hale-Bopp Comet signals Divine Chastisement.

      헤일-밥 혜성은 신의 응징을 나타낸다(의 전조가 된다).


Durant l'estoille cheuelue apparente

Les trois grand princes seront faits ennemis

Frappez du ciel paix terre trembulente

Pau, Tymbre Undans, serpens sur le bord mis



Durant: during; estoille: star; cheuelue (chevelure): hair of comet, hair; apparente: appear; fait: made, shaped; frappez (frapper): to strike, hit; paix: peace; Pau: John Paul II; Tymbre: Tibre, Vatican is located on the bank of River Tiber, here means Vatican; serpens: serpent; bord: board of ship, deck, mis: placed.


During the appearance of a hairy comet

털이 많은(털모양의) 혜성의 출현동안

Three great princes shall be made enemies

셋의 위대한 왕자들은 적이 되리라

Heavenely peace struck, earth trembling

하늘의 평화가 타격을 당하고(맞으며), 땅은 흔들린다

John Paul II, Vatican undone, serpents (warships) shall land

존 파울 2,  바티칸은 파멸하며, 악인(유혹자,,전함들)은 상륙할 것이다


COMMENT: The comet shall appear before the invasion on Italian soil and devastation of Rome. The Holy Father shall flee from Rome.


IX.85 John Paul II leaves Rome.

      존 파울 2세는 로마를 떠날 것이다.


Passer Guienne, Languedoc et le Rhosne

D'Agen tenans de Marmande et la Reole

D'ouvrir par foi parroy, Phocen tiendra son throsne

Conflit aupres saint Pol de manseole



Passer: to pass; Guienne, Languedoc: French towns near River Rhone; Agen, Marmande, Reole: French towns along River Garonne in southern France; ouvrir: to open; foi: faith; roi: king; Phocen: ancient Marseilles; tiendra (tenir): to hold, tenure; thronsne: throne; manseole: a compound word of man-soleil, half English and half French, meaning the Labor of the Sun, i.e, Pope John Paul II.


Pass through Guienne, Languedoc and River Rhone

Guienne, Languedoc, 그리고 론강을 통과하며

By Agen, Marmande, and Reole or Roole

Agen, Marmande, 그리고 Reole Roole의 옆에서(지나서, 경유하여)

Shall open for faith and king, Marseilles shall prolong his throne

신앙과 왕을 위해 열릴 것이며, 마르세이유는 그의 왕좌(집권)을 늘릴 것이다

Conflict after the saintly Pol (Paul), the Labor of the Sun

태양의 노동자, 성도다운 파울 후에 충돌한다(?)


COMMENT: John Paul II shall flee from Rome to Marseilles. Muslim forces shall conduct a man-hunt to locate him.


VII.22 Vatican captured, the Vicar to Rhone.

       바티칸은 포위되고(사로잡히고), 교황은 론으로.


les Citoyens de Mesopotamie

Irez encontre amis de Tarracone

Jeux, Ris, banquets toute gent endormie

Vicaire au Rhone, pris cite, ceux d'Ausone



Citoyen: citizen; Mesopotamie: usually indicating the modern Iran and Iraq where Rivers Euphrates and Tigre run, but here indicating the area where two rivers run , Rivers Rhone and Loire in southern France; irez (ire): anger, wrath; encontre: against; amis: friends; Tarracone: Tarragone, Spanish town; jeux: young; ris: laughter; toute: all; gent: race, nation; endormie: sleeping; Vicaire: Vicar of Christ, the Pope; Ausone: Ausonia, the ancient Italian city.


The citizens of the southern France near River Rhone

론강 가까이 남프랑스의 시민들은

Shall be angry at former neighboring Spain

이웃한 스페인(의 전자)에 노하게 되리라.

Who engage much in sensual enjoyments, and the whole population is put to sleep

그는 많이 육욕적인 향략을 약속하며, 모든 주민들을 잠자도록 한다(?)

The Vicar of Christ moves to Rhone as Vatican City captured by Italians.

교황의 대리는 이탈리아인들로 바티칸 시티가 포위되었을 때처럼 론으로 이송된다(?)


COMMENT: Italy and Spain shall belong to the Eastern Alliance alongside with Russia and Muslims. Pope JP II shall flee from Rome to the southern France near Marseilles probably by boat.


II.35 Pope Paul II flees to the area near two rivers.

      교황 파울 2세는 두 강이 가까운 장소로 달아난다.


Dans deux logis de nuit le feu prendra

Plusieurs dedans estouffez et rostis

Pres de deux fleuves pour seur il adviendra

Sol, l'Arc et Caper, tous seront amortis



Logis: home ,house; prendre: to take, seize; dedans: inside; etouffer: suffocate; rotir: to roast, scorch; seur (sur): sure; adviendra (advenir): to happen; Sol or mansol: Labor of the Sun or John Paul II; caper or cape: the pope; Arc: (fig.) the Church; amortir: to break, mortify.


In two houses by night fire shall take place

두 집안에서 밤에 불이 발생할(개최될) 것이다

Many inside shall be suffocated and scorched

안쪽의 많은 사람들은 질식당하거나 태워지게 될 것이다

Near two rivers (Rhone&Loire) for sure it shall occur

두 강(Rhone&Loire) 가까이 확실히 그것은 발생하리라

John Paul II, the Church all shall be mortified

존 파울 2, 교회는 모두 굴욕을 당하게 된다(고행을 당하게 된다)


COMMENT: The Holy Father shall flee from Rome to France near River Rhone.


II.97 Roman Pontiff, be on guard when you approach the city between two rivers.

      로마의 교황, 당신이 두 강사이의 도시에 다가가는 때 보초서고 있을 것이다(?)


Romain Pontiffe garde de t'approcher

De la cite que deux fleuves arrose

Ton sang viendra aupres de la cracher

Toy et les tiens quand fluerira la rose



Garde: cautious; fleuve: river; "la cite que deux fleuves": "city between two river" here might means the city of Lyon between two Rivers Rhone and Saone or Loire; arrose (arroser): to water or wash out; ton: your; sang: blood; aupres: nearby; cracher: to spit; toy: you; les tiens: your family, your supporters; fluerir: to bloom (flowers); rose: here the Mystical Rose or Rosa Mystica, one of many titles of the Mother of God.


Roman Pontiff be on guard while you approach

로마의 교황은 당신이 다가가는 동안 보초를 서고 있을 것이다(망을 보고 있을 것이다)

The city between two rivers (full of water)

(물로 가득찬)두 강 사이의 도시

Your blood shall be spilled nearby

당신의 피는 당신과 당신과 친한 집단 근처에

You and your close circle while the Rose blooms

장미(신비의 장미,신의 어머니)가 피는동안 흘려지게 될 것이다


COMMENT: Pope John Paul II shall flee Rome and take refuge in southern France. He shall visit Lyon and shall be captured and martyred nearby, in the region near the river Rhone or southern France. At the end, Blessed Mother shall receive his soul and offer to her Divine Son , our Lord.


II.94 John Paul captured, Christians deported.

     존 파울은 사로잡히고, 기독교도는 이송당한다.


Grand Pau, grand mal pour Gaulois recevra

Vain terreur au maritin Lyon

Peuple infini par la mer passera

Sans eschapper un quart d'un million



Pau: Paul or JP II; mal: malice, harm; recevra (recevoir): to receive; terreur: terror; maritin (maritime): maritime Lion or England; infini: infinite; eschapper: to escape; quart: a quarter.


Great Pope Paul shall receive great harm from Frenchmen

위대한 교황 파울은 프랑스인으로부터 큰 손해를 받는다

Vain terror shall strike England

헛된 테러(공포를 떨게 하는 행동)는 영국을 강타할 것이다

Vast number of people shall be deported by sea

무수한 사람들은 바다로 이송될 것이다

Without escape are one quarter of million

100만의 4분의 1의 탈출자가 없이


COMMENT: Pope Paul shall be captured in France by French informants. Muslims shall deport Jews and Christians, and prisoners to the islands located in Mediterranean.


IX.68 December 13, Pope Paul shall be captured where Saone and Rhone join.

      12 13, 교황 파울은 Saone Rhone이 합치는 곳에서 사로잡힌다.


Du mont Aymar sera noble obscurcie

le mal viendra au joint de Saone et Rhone

Dans bois cachez soldats jour de Lucie

Qui ne fut onc un si horrible throsne



Obscurcie: obscure; mal; evil; Saone et Rhone: two rivers in southern France; bois: wood; cachez (cacher): to hide, conceal; soldat: soldier; jour: day ,feast day; onc: ever, never; fut (futur): future; throsne: throne, here papacy; jour de Lucie: feast day of St. Lucie, a Denmark tradition, December 13.


Upon Mount Aymar, a noble man (Pope) shall be hidden

Aymar산 위로, 고귀한 사람(교황)이 숨겨질 것이다

Evil shall come where River Saone and Rhone joins

악은 Saone강과 Rhone강이 합치는 곳에서 올 것이다(나타날 것이다)

In the wood, soldiers shall hide on the feast day of St. Lucie

숲 속에, 병사들은 성자 Lucie의 축제일에 숨겨질 것이다

One shall never see such a horrible throne

사람들은 그러한 끔찍한 왕을 보지 못할 것이다


COMMENT: This quatrain ties with IV.27. The pyramid mentioned in Quatrain IV.27 is Mount Aymar. On December 13th, Pope JP II shall be captured and martyred shortly somewhere in southern France. The term "Denmark" might mean that the vice president of Denmark will be his last audience.


X.30 Pope Paul shall be put to death.

      교황 파울은 죽음을 당하게 된다


Nepveu et sang du saint nouveau venu

Par le surnom soustient arc et couvert

Seront chassez, mis a mort, chassez nu

En rouge et noir convertiront leur vert



Nepveu (neveu): nephew; nouveau: new; venu (venir): to come, become; surnom: nickname; soustient (soutenir): to support, hold up; couvert: cover; chassez (chasser): to chase; mis a mort: put to death; nu: nude; rouge: red; noir: black; convertiront (convertir): to convert, transform; leur: their; vert: green.


Nephew and blood of a new saint

(성직자의 사생아)완곡과 새로운 성자의 피

His nickname means supporting arc and cover

그의 아명(兒名) ()호와 덮개의 지지함을(지원을) 의미한다 => Pole()

Shall be chased, put to death, chased nude

쫓겨날 것이며, 죽음에 처하게 될 것이며, 나체로 쫓겨날 것이다(?)

Red and black shall turn into green

빨강과 검정은 녹색(초록색)으로 변하게 될 것이다


COMMENT: Pole is used to support arc and tent. John Paul II and his close confidants are prophesied here. They shall be hunted and put to death by Muslim or Russian forces when they advance into the southern France. Red figuratively means the pope and black the bishops or priests who are accompanying him. Green implies the turning color of dead bodies.


X.29 The agony of the holy Pope.

      성스러운 교황의 (수난 전 겟세마네에서의 그리스도의) 고통


De Pol Mansol dans caverne caprine

Cache et pris extrait hors par la barbe

Catif mene comme beste mastine

Par Begourdans amenee pres de Tarbe



Pol: Poland; Mansol: manus (latin means labor) &soleil means sun, the Labor of the Sun or John Paul II; caverne: cave, den; caprine: (latin = caprinus) goat-like; cache: hidden; pris: capture; extrait (extraire): to draw, pull; hors: out, outside; barbe: beard; mene (mener): to drive or steer; comme: like, beste: beast; mastine: domestic; Begourdans: habitants of Bigorre, southern French of which the major village is Tarbe, near Lourdes; amenee (amener): to bring, carry; Tarbe: French town near Lourdes and Spanish border.


John Paul inside the den of goats

염소굴 안의 존 파울

Hidden, captured, and pulled out by his beard

숨겨짐, 사로잡힘, 그리고 그의 턱수염의 뽑힘(?)

The captive being ridden as a domestic beast

포로는 길들여진 짐승으로 지배받게 된다

Through the local habitants he shall be brought close to Tarbe

지방 주민들을 통해 그는 Tarbe 가까이 보내질 것이다(?)


COMMENT: In 1139, St. Malachy of Ireland received the prophetic insight concerning all future popes in order to present to the Holy Pontiff who was in great distress at that time. This list was lost and discovered in 1590, therefore, Nostradamus could not have read the lost document. Anyway, Pope John Paul II was described as "the Labor of the Sun" which meant that he was the servant of our Lady, the Lady clothed with the Sun described in Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation. There will be only two true popes after him who were described as "the Glory of Olive" or the pope of period of peace and "Roman the Peter" or the militant pope who shall shepherd his people through the hard time, probably before the reign of the antichrist.Pope Paul II shall grow beard during his exile. He shall suffer a humiliating ordeal and cruel death after being captured in southern France. He shall be taken to Tarbe probably martyred in the Temple of the Virgin (Q.IV.27) or Lourdes. During his life, the holy Pope consecrates himself to Blessed Mother. The Holy Father imitates the Lord perfectly in life as in death. Please pray for him.


II.15 John Paul I &John Paul II murdered, a world-wide economic crisis.

     존 파울 1세와 존 파울 2세는 살해당하고, 전세계의 경제적 위기


Un peu devant monarque trucide

Castor, Pollux, en nef, astre crainite

L'Arain public, par terre et mer vuide

Pise, Ast, Ferra, Turin terre interdicte



Peu: little while; devant: before; trucide (trucider): to kill; Castor et Pollux: two brothers, sons of Jupiter (Greek mythology); nef: ship, vessel nave of church; astre: star; crainite (crainte): fear; arain: (latin = aeris): silver coin, money; vuide (vide): empty; Pisa, Asti, Ferrare, Turin: all Italian cities; interdicte: forbidden, restricted.


A little while before the mornarque murders

the mornarque가 살해되기 이전 아주 조금 동안

Two popes, JP I and JP II, as the fearful star appear

두 교황, 존 파울 1세와 존 파울 2, 무서운 별이 나타난 때

Public money shall be empty or economic crisis shall occur on land and sea

공중의 돈은 비워지게 되거나 경제적 위기가 땅과 바다에(온 세상에) 발생하게 되리라

Pisa, Asti, Ferrare, Turin shall become forbidden land

Piso, Asti, Ferrare, Turrin은 금지된 땅이 되리라


COMMENT: Boat is often used to indicate the Church. Castor and Pollux implied Pope JP I and JP II. Economic crisis shall occur when the rumour of war emerged. Then shortly after that JP II will be killed. The fearful star here is the comet Hale Bopp.


VIII.46 The Labor of the Sun shall die near Rhone.

        태양의 노동자는 론강 가까이에서 죽는다.


Pol mensolee mourra a trois lieues du Rhone

Fuis les deux prochains tarasc detroits

Car Mars fera le plus horrible throsne

De coq et d'aigle de France freres trois



Pol: Poland or Paul, JP II; mensolee: men of the Sun, "Labor of the Sun" or JP II; mourra (mourrir): to die; trois: three; lieu: league = 4 km or 2.5 miles; Rhone: River Rhone, southern France, near Marseilles; fuis (fuir): to run away; prochains: neighbor, brother, fellow human; tarasc: tarasconi, French town in the south, near Marseilles; detroit: strait; car: because; le plus: the most; throsne: throne; coq: cock or France; aigle: eagle or USA; freres: brothers.


Poland's "Labor of the Sun" shall die at three leagues from Rhone

론강으로부터 12㎞ 떨어진 곳에서 폴란드의 "태양의 노동자"는 죽을 것이다

Run away from two neighbors of Tarasconi

Tarasconi의 두 이웃들로부터 멀리 도망가라

Because the war, the throne shall be most horrible

전쟁 때문에, 왕은 매우 잔인하게 될 것이다

By the coq and eagle, three brothers of France

coq와 독수리(라 불리우는), 프랑스의 세 형제(?)로 인하여


leagues : 거리의 단위, 4킬로미터 또는 2.5마일

COMMENT: Pope John Paul II shall die at about 7.5 miles from River Rhone somewhere in the southern France. He shall flee from Rome, come under French protection, and later fall into the hands of Muslim invaders. French, British, and US shall form an alliance.


IV.27 After receiving the Prince of Denmark, Pope Paul shall deliver his life in the

     hands of Blessed Mother.

     덴마크 왕자를 받은 후에, 교황 파울은 축복받은 어머니의 손으로 그의 삶(생명)

     넘겨주게 된다.


Salon, Mansol, Tarasconi de SEX l'arc

Ou est debout encore la pyramide

Viendront livrer le Prince Dannemarc

Rachat honny au temple d'Artemide



Salon: French town; Mansol: manus(latin) of soleil (French) or Labor of the Sun, JP II; Tarasconi: southern France town, on River Rhone, near Marseilles; SEX: Aquae Sextiae, Aix-en-Provence near Marseilles; ou: where; debout: standing; encore: still, livrer: to deliver; Rachat or Rachatere (ancient French): Redeemer; honny: derived from honnir or honeur (honor); Artemide or Diana: goddess of chastity or virgins, here means Blessed Virgin.


Salon, labor of the Sun, Tarasconi, Aix-en-Provence

Salon, 태양의 노동자, Tarasconi, Aix-en-Provence

Where the pyramide still standing

여전히 피라미드가 서 있는 곳에

Shall deliver the Prince of Denmark

덴마크의 왕자를 전하리라(인도하리라)

Redeemer honored at the temple of the Virgin

되사는 사람은 동정녀의 성전에서 인수하게 된다(명예롭게 된다?)


COMMENT: In the region near Marseilles and River Rhone, Pope John Paul II shall receive his last audience with the Vice President of Denmark. Then the Lord shall receive his martyrdom from the hands of Blessed Virgin Mary.


II.98 John Paul offers his martyrdom to his Bridegroom.

     존 파울은 그의 신랑에게로 고통(수난)을 권하게 된다.


Celui du sang resperse le visage

De la victime proche sacrifice

Venant en Leo augure par presage

Mis estre a mort lors pour la fiancee



Celui: he, she, one; sang: blood; resperse: (latin = respergo) and (French = arroser) meaning to water, sprinkle; visage: face; proche: near to, approaching; venant (venir): to come; leo: (fig.) pope or John Paul II; augure: prophet, clergyman or pope; presage: prophecy, omen; estre: being, existence; a mort: at death; lors: thenceforth; fiancee: bridegroom, here the Lord Jesus.


His blood shall sprinkle on his face

그의 피는 그의 얼굴 위에 뿌려지게 되리라

While the victim close to be sacrificed

희생자가 ()제물로 바쳐지게 되어짐에 가까워지는 동안

Shall fulfill in Leo ( JP II ) the ancient prophecy

사자 ()자리에서 고대의 예언을 이행하게 되리라

Shall offer his being unto death to his Bridegroom

그의 신랑에게로 그의 죽음에게로의 그의 존재를 권유하게 되리라(?)


COMMENT: At the end, Pope JP II shall offer his earthly life as the final act of sacrifice to Jesus Christ to fulfill the ancient prophecy (of Nostradamus).

Up to now, reader already see how the prophet Nostradamus used astrological terms or Greek mythology in describing figuratively many persons or events that are completely unrelated to astrology. Ironically, for centuries, many had tried so hard to study Noastradamus's prophecies by studying astrological configurations. He did this purposedly to obscure the prophecies until the due time chosen by God alone.


V.21 The death of a saintly Pope.

      성스러운 교황의 죽음


Par les trespas du Monarque latin

Ceux qu'il aura par regne secourus

Le feu livra divuse le butin

La mort publique au hardis incorus



Trepas: death; secourus (secourir): to succour, support; feu: fire; livra (livrer): to deliver, give up, surrender; butin: loot,spoils; hardi: bold, determined, courageous; incorus: incorrupted.


Through the death of a Latin monarque

라틴 monarque의 죽음을 통하여

Those through his reign shall help

그들은 그의 권력을 통해 도울 것이다

Shall surrender through fire all spoils

불로 모든 것이 망친 채로 넘겨줄 것이다(항복할 것이다)

The public death for the courageous who shall become incorrupted

용감함(?)을 위한 공개적인 죽음으로 그는 청렴해질 것이다(잘못이 없어질 것이다)


COMMENT: The saintly Pope John Paul II shall die and his body shall become incorruptible.
