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Pop/추천 영국 싱어송라이터 ♪ Ellie Goulding - The Writer ♬ |
[차례] 1. 요약 2.뮤직비디오 3. 노래가사 4.참고 5. 가수/앨범 소개
[가수] Ellie Goulding /엘리 굴딩, Elena Jane Goulding [장르] Folktronica, electropop [앨범] 1집 Bright Lights (Lights Re-Pack) (2010.11.26, Universal Music)
[Music Video/Audio]
☞ 라이브 출처/소유권 유튜브 EllieGouldingVEVO 플러그인 *
주의) 음원, 뮤직비디오 저작권은 음반제작사, 유통사에게 있습니다. MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요. 뮤직비디오 동영상을 노래 소개 외의 용도로 사용 금지!
[Lyrics] Ellie Goulding The Writer 노래가사
You wait for a silence
I wait for a word
Lying next to your frame
Girl unobserved
You change your position
You're changing me
Casting these shadows
Where they shouldn't be
We're interrupted
By the heat of the sun
Trying to prevent
What's already begun
You're just a body
I can smell your skin
And when I feel it
You're wearing thin
But I've got a plan
Why don't you be the artist
And make me out of clay?
Why don't you be the writer
Decide the words I say?
Cause I'd rather pretend
I'll still be there at the end
Only it's too hard to ask
Won't you try to help me?
Sat on your sofa
It's all broken springs
This isn't the place for
Those violin strings
I try out a smile
And I aim it at you
You must have missed it
You always do
But I've got a plan
Why don't you be the artist
And make me out of clay?
Why don't you be the writer
Decide the words I say?
Cause I'd rather pretend
I'll still be there at the end
Only it's too hard to ask
Won't you try to help me?
You wait
I wait
Casting shadows
You wait
I wait
Casting shadows
You wait
I wait
Casting shadows
Why don't you be the artist
And make me out of clay?
Why don't you be the writer
Decide the words I say?
Cause I'd rather pretend
I'll still be there at the end
Only it's too hard to ask
Won't you try to help me?
Won't you try to help me?
Won't you try to help me?

[Reference 참고] *
▣ 노래 더 듣기 Tag(태그) 클릭 è http://oldconan.tistory.com/tag/Ellie Goulding
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스크랩 하는 분들은 링크를 삭제하지 마세요. 그리고 반드시 스크랩 글 상.하단에 반드시 출처 블로그 올드코난을 명시하시기를 바랍니다. 링크 삭제나 출처 삭제는 고의적인 무단 스크랩으로 제재를 받게 됩니다.
▣ 앨범 설명 =>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lights_(Ellie_Goulding_album)
▣ 노래 설명 => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Writer_(song)