2012년 연간 전체 빌보드 핫 55위 곡 (Billboard Year-End Hot 100 singles of 2012)
영국 신인가수/영국 X팩터 시즌7 (2010) 셰어 로이드♪ Cher Lloyd - Want U Back ♬ |
[가수]Cher Lloyd/셰어 로이드 [장르] Dance-pop, bubblegum pop, synthpop [앨범]1집 Sticks & Stones (2012.02.21 소니뮤직) *
[Music Video/Audio]
☞뮤직비디오 출처 유튜브 CherlloydVEVO 플러그인 * Thank you VEVO
☞미국버전 뮤직비디오 출처 유튜브 CherlloydVEVO 플러그인 *
☞어큐스틱 출처 유튜브 CherlloydVEVO 플러그인 *
☞ 라이브 출처 유튜브 CherlloydVEVO 플러그인 *
주의) 음원, 뮤직비디오 저작권은 음반제작사, 유통사에게 있습니다. MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요. 뮤직비디오 동영상을 노래 소개 외의 용도로 사용 금지!
[Lyrics] Cher Lloyd Want U Back 노래가사
Mmm, yeah.
La la la la laaa
Hey, boy you never had much game
Thought I needed to upgrade
So I went and walked away way way
Now, I see you've been hanging out
With that other girl in town
Looking like a pair of clowns clowns clowns
Remember all the things that you and I did first?
And now you're doing them with her
Remember all the things that you and I did first?
You got me, got me like this
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
And everywhere we went, come on!
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
You got me, got me like this
Boy you can say anything you wanna
I don't give a shh, no one else can have ya
I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
I broke it off thinking you'd be cryin'
Now I feel like shh looking at you flyin'
I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
Please, this ain't even jealousy (jealousy)
She ain't got a thing on me (a thing on me)
Tryin' to rock them ugly jeans jeans jeans
You clearly didn't think this through
If what I've been told is true
You'll be crawling back like boo hoo hoo
Remember all the things that you and I did first?
And now you're doing them with her
Remember all the things that you and I did first?
You got me, got me like this
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
And everywhere we went, come on!
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
You got me, got me like this
Boy you can say anything you wanna
I don't give a shh, no one else can have ya
I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
I broke it off thinking you'd be cryin'
Now I feel like shh looking at you flyin'
I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
Ohhh, I thought you'd still be mine
When I kissed you goodbye uh oh uh oh
Ohhh, and you might be with her
But I still had you first uh oh uh oh
[Astro - rap verse]
Let's go! Astro!
We used to be, but now there's a separation between you and me
Baby I'm moving on to another girl that understands me more
Dated her in front your place so you can see it all
I remember the times, when we used to bond
But I never realized that you wanted to be mine
So I gave her the ring, instead of you, nickname too
I can tell that you're upset, because it ain't you
Met a new girl, and I gave her my heart
Not noticing that you wanted me from the very start
You want me back?
We can just be friends, don't try this thing all over again
Boy you can say anything you wanna
I don't give a shh, no one else can have ya
I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
I broke it off thinking you'd be cryin'
Now I feel like shh looking at you flyin'
I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
(Let me know)
Ohhh, I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
Ohhh, I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
Does this sound like a helicopter!? (bbbbbbrrrrrddddd)

[Reference 참고] *
▣ 노래 더 듣기 Tag(태그) 클릭 è http://oldconan.tistory.com/tag/Cher Lloyd
▣ 추천 Tag(태그) è 90년대 인기가요, 추천 노래, 좋은 노래, 한국인이 좋아하는 팝송,
▣ 다른 가수를 쉽게 찾기 상단 주소창 è http://oldconan.tistory.com/tag/가수이름" 입력
▣ 블로그 첫 화면 main page 이동 ☞ http://oldconan.tistory.com
스크랩 하는 분들은 링크를 삭제하지 마세요. 그리고 반드시 스크랩 글 상.하단에 반드시 출처 블로그 올드코난을 명시하시기를 바랍니다. 링크 삭제나 출처 삭제는 고의적인 무단 스크랩으로 제재를 받게 됩니다.
▣ 셰어 로이드 상세 설명 위키백과 => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cher_Lloyd
▣ 앨범 설명 => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticks_%2B_Stones_(album)
▣ 노래 설명 => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Want_U_Back

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