올드코난 (Old Conan) Kpop POP 음악감상, TV 리뷰, 세상사는 이야기 블로그
추천 팝/R&B 뮤지션 알리샤 키스 ♪ Alicia Keys - Teenage Love Affair ♬ |
[차례] 1. 요약 2.뮤직비디오 3. 노래가사 4.참고 5. 가수/앨범 소개
[가수] Alicia Keys/알리샤 키스, Alicia Augello Cook [장르] R&B, neo soul, soul [제작] Alicia Keys, Jack Splash, Matthew Kahane, Harold Lilly, Josephine Bridges, Carl Hampton, Tom Nixon [앨범] 3집 As I Am (2007.11.09, 소니뮤직)
[Music Video/Audio]
☞뮤직비디오 출처/소유권 유튜브 aliciakeysVEVO 플러그인 *Thank you VEVO - Old Conan
주의) 음원, 뮤직비디오 저작권은 음반제작사, 유통사에게 있습니다. MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요. 뮤직비디오 동영상을 노래 소개 외의 용도로 사용 금지!
[Lyrics] Alicia Keys Teenage Love Affair 노래가사
Can't wait to get home
Baby dial your number
Can you pick up the phone
'cause I wanna holla?
Daydreaming about you all day
In school can't concentrate
Want have your voice in my ear
'Til ma comes and says it's too late
'cause the lights are on outside
Wish there was somewhere to hide
'cause I just don't want to say goodbye
'cause you are my baby baby
Nothing really matters
I don't really care
What nobody tell me
I'm gonna be here
It's a matter of extreme importance
My first teenage love affair
Another secret meeting
On the 5th floor stair case
I'm gonna give you this letter
Of all the things I can't say
Want you to be my first, my last, my ending and beginning
I wrote your name in my book
You last name my first
I'm your Mrs.
Hey boy
You know I really like being with you right?
Just hanging out with you is fun
So maybe we can go to first base
Because I feel you
Second base
Want you to feel me too
Third base
Better pump the breaks
Well baby slow down
I gotta go home now
My baby baby
Nothing really matters
I don't really care
What nobody tell me
I'm gonna be here
It's a matter of extreme importance
My first teenage love affair

[Reference 참고] *
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