
MIKA - Blame It on the Girls [MV,뮤비,노래 듣기,가사] 미카 2집

올드코난 2012. 9. 22. 21:38

올드코난 (Old Conan) Kpop POP 음악감상, TV 리뷰, 세상사는 이야기 블로그


 추천 팝 락/영국 가수  MIKA - Blame It on the Girls

[차례] 1. 요약  2.뮤직비디오 3. 노래가사 4.참고 5. 가수/앨범 소개 

[가수] MIKA/미카, Michael Holbrook Penniman [장르pop, pop rock [제작] Mika [앨범] 2집 The Boy Who Knew Too Much (2009.9.21 유니버설) 

[Music Video/Audio]

☞뮤직비디오 출처/소유권 유튜브 MIKAVEVO 플러그인 *Thank you VEVO - Old Conan 

주의) 음원, 뮤직비디오 저작권은 음반제작사, 유통사에게 있습니다. MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요. 뮤직비디오 동영상을 노래 소개 외의 용도로 사용 금지!

[Lyrics] MIKA Blame It on the Girls 노래가사


So I was sitting there in the bar and this guy comes up to me and he said "My life stinks" and I saw his gold credit card and I saw the way he was looking at people across the room and I looked at his face and you know, what a good looking face, and I just said, "Dude, your perspective on life sucks".


He's got looks that books take pages to tell

He's got a face to make you fall on your knees

He's got money in the bank to thank and I guess

You could think he's livin' at ease


Like lovers on the open shore -- What's the matter?

When you're sitting there with so much more -- What's the matter?

While you're wondering what the hell to be

Are you wishing you were ugly like me?


Blame it on the girls who know what to do

Blame it on the boys who keep hitting on you


Blame it on your mother for the things she said

Blame it on your father but you know he's dead


Blame it on the girls

Blame it on the boys

Blame it on the girls

Blame it on the boys


Life could be simple but you never fail

To complicate it every single time


You could have children and a wife, a perfect little life

But you blow it on a bottle of wine


Like a baby you're a stubborn child -- what's the matter

Always looking for an axe to grind -- what's the matter

While you're wondering what the hell to do

We were wishing we were lucky like you


Blame it on the girls who know what to do

Blame it on the boys who keep hitting on you


Blame it on your mother for the things she said

Blame it on your father but you know he's dead


Blame it on the girls

Blame it on the boys

Blame it on the girls

Blame it on the boys [x2]


He's got looks that books take pages to tell

He's got a face to make you fall on your knees

He's got money in the bank to thank and I guess

You could think he's livin' at ease


Blame it on the girls who know what to do

Blame it on the boys who keep hitting on you


Blame it on your mother for the things she said

Blame it on your father but you know he's dead


Blame it on the girls

Blame it on the boys

Blame it on the girls

Blame it on the boys [x2]

  노래가 마음에 드시면 본문 하단 추천을 클릭 하시거나 SNS (요즘,트위터,미투데이, 페이스북 등)으로 널리 널리 알려 주세요^^ 올드코난 (Old Conan)

[Reference 참고] *

노래 더 듣기 Tag(태그) 클릭 è http://oldconan.tistory.com/tag/MIKA (미카)


▣ 추천 Tag(태그) è 90 가요, 노래, 노래, ,

블로그 첫 화면 main page 이동 http://oldconan.tistory.com

  스크랩 하는 분들은 링크를 삭제하지 마세요. 그리고 반드시 스크랩 글 상.하단에 반드시 출처 블로그 올드코난을 명시하시기를 바랍니다. 링크 삭제나 출처 삭제는 고의적인 무단 스크랩으로 제재를 받게 됩니다.


MIKA (미카)

보컬, 작곡 | 영국 | 출생: 1983.08.18


▣ 미카 설명 위키백과 => 미카 (가수)

▣ 앨범 설명 => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boy_Who_Knew_Too_Much_(album)

▣ 노래 설명 => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blame_It_on_the_Girls

블로그 올드코난 (Old Conan) 찾아 주셔서 감사합니다. 앞으로도 다양하고 좋은 음악들을 소개해 드리겠습니다. 자주 찾아주세요. 글의 오타, 잘못된 점, 비판, 하고픈 말, 그리고 뮤직비디오 또는 동영상 등이 재생이 안되거나, 삭제 되는 등 문제가 발견 되면 본문 하단에 댓글로 남겨 주시면 감사하겠습니다.