
Ellie Goulding - I Know You Care [MV,뮤비,노래 듣기,가사] 엘리 굴딩 2집

올드코난 2012. 12. 9. 11:46

영국 싱어송라이터 엘리 굴딩 2집


Ellie Goulding - I Know You Care 

[차례] 1. 요약 2.뮤직비디오 3. 노래가사 4.참고/가수/앨범 소개

▣ 요약 ▣ [가수] Ellie Goulding (엘리 굴딩, Elena Jane Goulding) [장르] pop [제작] Justin Parker, Goulding [앨범] 2집 Halcyon(2012.10.09 Universal Music) *

[Music Video/Audio]

☞ 뮤직비디오 출처/소유권 유튜브 EllieGouldingVEVO 플러그인 * 


주의)  MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.-올드코난 (Old Conan)

[Lyrics] Ellie Goulding I Know You Care 노래가사


Clinging to me

Like a last breath you would breathe

You were like home to me

I don't recognize the street


Please don't close your eyes

Don't know where to look without them

Outside the cars speed by

I never heard them until now


I know you care

I know it is always been there

But there's trouble ahead, I can feel it

You are just saving yourself when you hide it


Yeah, I know you care

I see it in the way you stare

As if there was trouble ahead and you knew it

I'll be saving myself from the ruin

And I know you care


I used to run down the stairs

To the door and I thought you were there

Do you shape through the comfort of us

Two lovers loved out of love


Oh, but I know you care

I know it is always been there

But there's trouble ahead, I can feel it

You are just saving yourself when you hide it


Yeah, I know you care

I see it in the way you stare

As if there was trouble ahead and you knew it

I'll be saving myself from the ruin


And know it wasn't always wrong

But I've never known a winter so cold

Now I don't warm my hands in your coat

But I still hope


'Cause this is how things ought to have been

And I know the worst of it wasn't all that it seemed

Why can't I dream

Why can't I dream


'Cause I know you care

And I know you care

I know you care

I know you care

I know it's always been there

[Reference 참고]

노래 더 듣기 Tag(태그) 클릭 => http://oldconan.tistory.com/tag/Ellie Goulding


▣ 앨리 굴딩 설명 => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellie_Goulding

▣ 앨범 설명 => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halcyon_(album)



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