
Tiffany - All This Time [MV,뮤비,노래 듣기,가사] 티파니 2집

올드코난 2012. 12. 28. 10:34

☞ 80년대 인기 하이틴 스타 티파니. 흔들어 주세요~ 기억하시나요!


Tiffany - All This Time 

[차례] 1. 요약 2.뮤직비디오 3. 노래가사 4.참고/가수/앨범 소개

▣ 요약 ▣ [가수] Tiffany (티파니,Tiffany Renee Darwish) [장르] Pop rock [제작] Tim James, Steven McClintock [앨범] 2집 Hold an Old Friend's Hand(1988.11 MCA Records) *

[Music Video/Audio]

☞ 뮤비 출처/소유권 유튜브 TiffanyVEVO 플러그인 * Thank you - Old Conan 

주의)  MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.-올드코난 (Old Conan)

[Lyrics] Tiffany All This Time 노래가사


All this time

I knew someday you'd need to find

Something that you left behind

Something I can't give you


All these tears

And like alight love disappears

But hearts are good for souvenirs

And memories are forever


All this time

All in all I've no regrets

The sun still shines the sun still sets

The heart forgives the heart forgets

But what will I do now with all this time


One more kiss

Even though it's come to this

I'll close my eyes and make a wish

Hoping you remember


All this time

All in all I've no regrets

The sun still shines the sun still sets

The heart forgives the heart forgets

But what will I do now with all this time


Say goodbye

Apart we'll make another try

But don't be sorry if you cry

I'll be crying too


All this time

All in all I've no regrets

The sun still shines the sun still sets

The heart forgives the heart forgets

But what will I do now with all this time

[Reference 참고]

노래 더 듣기 Tag(태그=> http://oldconan.tistory.com/tag/Tiffany (티파니)

▣ 티파니 설명 위키백과 => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany_(singer


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