
Ace Of Base - Wheel of Fortune [MV,뮤직비디오,노래 듣기,가사] 에이스 오브 베이스 1집

올드코난 2013. 3. 15. 16:29

 Ace Of Base - Wheel of Fortune  [차례] 1. 요약 2.뮤직비디오 3. 노래가사 4.참고

[요약] [가수/그룹] Ace Of Base (에이스 오브 베이스) [장르] Pop, reggae fusion [제작] Jonas Berggren, Ulf Ekberg [앨범] 1집 Happy Nation/The Sign(1992.11.2)

[Music Video/Audio]

☞ 뮤직비디오 출처/소유권 유튜브 aceofbase 플러그인

주의)  MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.-올드코난 (Old Conan)

[Lyrics] Ace Of Base Wheel of Fortune 노래가사


What you gonna tell your dad

It's like a wheel of fortune

And what you gonna tell your dad

If this wheel lets you down

My love is my engine, And you might be fuel

Stop acting cool, Just bet you might win

I'm not too cool (I'm in love with another fool)


Don't push me, I don't wat to can't you see it

Hasten slowly, And don't count your chicks

before the're hatched baby


What you gonna tell your dad

It's like a wheel of fortune

And what you gonna tell your dad

If this wheel lets you down

My love is my engine, And you might be fuel

Stop acting cool, Just bet you might win

I'm not too cool (I'm in love with another fool)


Hey you...

We're gonna make you move

It tastes like steel

Like a stab from a knife


What you gonna tell your...

I'm on love with another fool


I'm in love with you I like your style

I want you I'm in love


What you gonna tell your...


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