[Music Video/Audio]
☞ 라이브 출처/소유권 유튜브 RODERICKSTEWARTSONGS 플러그인 *
주의) MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.-올드코난 (Old Conan)
[Lyrics] Rod Stewart The Motown Song 노래가사
Bring over some of your old Motown records
We'll put the speakers in the window and we'll go
on the roof and listen to the Miracles
echo to the alley down below
Let's dance together just for the night
Let's don't worry about the future or nothin' else
'Cause just like the music's sayin' you gotta take chances
Go ahead just do it and trust yourself
There's a soul in the city
watching over us tonight
There's a soul in the city
saying everything's gonna be all right
So bring over some of your old Motown records
We'll put the speakers in the window and we'll go
on the roof and listen to the Miracles
echo to the alley down below
They wish us luck
but they think we're just dreaming
Let's prove them wrong baby
'Cause you know what luck is
luck is believing you're lucky
that's all and showing just a little bit of faith
There's a soul in the city
watching over us I swear
There's a soul in the city
there's a whole world waiting out there
I got plans for us
playing like a skip on a record
through my head all night long
But when we walk that darkened stairway
and step out on the roof
I know what we're feeling can't be wrong
Bring over some of your old Motown records
We'll put the speakers in the window and we'll go
on the roof and listen to the Miracles
echo to the alley down below
Bring over some of your old Motown records
We'll put the speakers in the window and we'll go
on the roof and listen to the Miracles
echo to the alley down below
"Let the Temptations sing it one time"
Bring over some of you old Motown records
We'll put the speakers in the window and we'll go
on the roof and listen to the Miracles
echo to the alley down below
[Introduce Singer] 영국 싱어송라이터 Rod Stewart
1945년 1월 10일 영국 출생, 솔로가수 데뷔 1969년 1집 'An Old Raincoat Won’t Ever Let You Down ' 현재 앨범 판매량 1억장 이상. 1994년 록큰롤 명예의 전당에 헌액되었고, 2012년에서 Faces멤버로 헌액되어 2번의 명예의 전당에 이름을 올림, 영국에서는 2006년 영국음악 명예의 전당에 등재되었다. 2007년에는 CBE(대영제국 훈장 3등급)을 수여받았다. 2013년 5월 3일 정규앨범 Time 발매.
▣ 로드 스튜어트 설명 영문 위키백과 => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_Stewart
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