
Billy Joel - I Don't Want to Be Alone [노래 듣기,가사] 빌리 조엘 7집

올드코난 2013. 8. 18. 20:22
올드코난 (Old Conan) 추천 싱어송라이터 빌리 조엘 * 7집 수록곡 [제목] Billy Joel - I Don't Want to Be Alone [가수] Billy Joel (빌리 조엘; William Martin Joel) [장르] rock [제작] Billy Joel [앨범] 7집 Glass Houses (1980.3.10)

[Music Video/Audio]  ☞ 오디오 출처/소유권 유튜브 billyjoelVEVO 플러그인 *   

주의)  MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.

[Lyrics] Billy Joel I Don't Want to Be Alone 노래가사


She said she'd meet me in the bar

At the Plaza Hotel

"Wear a jacket and a tie"

"What's the occasion?"

She just smiled and she wouldn't say why

So here I am standing, waiting in the lobby

Sweating bullets in this stupid old suit

And when she sees me she busts out laughing

"You're a sad sight honey, but you look so cute" and


I don't want to be alone anymore

I was checking you out

I was just making sure

No, I don't want to be alone anymore

And, I want you tonight

Although you hurt me before

It didn't matter that I felt like a fool

'Cause I forgot when she walked through the door

I said I'm sorry, but she said it was cool

And I don't want to be alone anymore


It's so confusing choosing sides

In the heat of the moment

Just to see if it's real

It's so erotic having you

Tell me how it should feel

But I'm avoiding all the hard cold facts

That I've got to face

So ask me just one question

When this magic night is through

Could it have been just anyone

Or did it have to be you


I don't want to be alone anymore

I was checking you out

I was just making sure

No, I don't want to be alone anymore

And, I want you tonight

Although you hurt me before

It didn't matter that I felt like a fool

'Cause I forgot when she walked through the door

I said I'm sorry, but she said it was cool

And I don't want to be alone anymore


But, don't you know that it's wrong

It's wrong, it's wrong...

But like the song

Being caught by the wink of an eye

I can't be sure we'll get along

But I'm willing to try

As long as you can tell me


I don't want to be alone anymore

I was checking you out

I was just making sure


No, I don't want to be alone anymore

And, I want you tonight

Although you hurt me before

It didn't matter that I felt like a fool

'Cause I forgot when she walked through the door

I said I'm sorry, but she said it was cool

And I don't want to be alone anymore

[Introduce Singer] 미국 싱어송라이터 Billy Joel

빌리 조엘(Billy Joel, Hon DMus, 1949년 5월 9일~)미국 뉴욕 주 뉴욕 시 브롱크스 출신 록 싱어송라이터. 작사와 작곡을 도맡아서 하며, 무대 위에서 공연할 때 주로 피아노를 직접 연주하면서 동시에 노래를 부른다. 흔히 그의 첫 히트 싱글의 이름을 따 "피아노 맨 (Piano Man)"으로 불리기도 한다. 14세 때부터 록 밴드 활동을 했으며, 1971년부터 솔로 가수로 활동하기 시작했다. 1973년 싱글 〈Piano Man〉으로 큰 성공을 거둔 그는 1993년 신규 음반 제작에서 은퇴할 때까지 많은 히트 곡들을 발표했다. 빌리 조엘은 총 6번 그래미 상을 수상했으며, 전 세계적으로 1억장 이상의 음반 판매고를 올렸으며, RIAA에 따르면 그는 미국에서 6번째로 많은 음반 판매고를 올린 가수라고 한다.

▣ 상세 설명 위키백과 => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Joel


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