
Paul McCartney - Appreciate [MV,뮤직비디오,노래 듣기,가사] 폴 매카트니 16집

올드코난 2014. 5. 17. 12:43

올드코난 (Old Conan)이 추천하는 20세기 대중음악의 상징 비틀즈의 폴 매카트니 16집 [제목] Paul McCartney - Appreciate [가수] Sir. Paul McCartney (폴 매카트니 경, James Paul McCartney) [장르] pop [제작] Giles Martin [앨범] 16집 New (Deluxe Edition)(2013.10.14, 유니버셜)

[Music Video/Audio]  

☞ 뮤직비디오 출처 유튜브 PAULMCCARTNEY 플러그인 *  

주의)  MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요. 

[Lyrics] Paul McCartney Appreciate 노래가사


Lift up your head, And remember what your life is, Don't have to give it all away

When you're left for dead, In the middle of a crisis, You must appreciate the day


There's something there, But you're frightened to invite it, Beware of pushing it away, 

Show that you care, And be certain you don't fight it, You must appreciate the day


She says you don't give back what you take

She got evidence you don't appreciate her love

She says it's all a show and no-go

You drop everything, give back, Reciprocate her love


Lift up your head, And remember what your life is, Don't have to give it all away

When you're left for dead, In the middle of a crisis, You must appreciate the day


She says you don't give back what you take

She got evidence you don't appreciate her love

She says it's all a show and no-go

You drop everything, give back, Reciprocate her love


There's something there, But you're frightened to invite it, Beware of pushing it away

Show that you care, And be certain you don't fight it, You must appreciate the day

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