미국 샌프란시스코 락밴드 제퍼슨 에어플레인 8집이며 마지막 앨범 수록곡 [제목] Jefferson Airplane - Planes (Experimental Aircraft) [가수/밴드] Starship (스타쉽; Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship) * 스타쉽은 1970년 결성돼 현재까지 활동하고 있는 43년차 밴드로 1974~1984, 1992~ 현재 Jefferson Starship으로 불리고 중간인 1985~1990, 1992~ Starship의 이름을 사용했다. Jefferson Airplane이라는 이름은 1965~1972, 1989, 1996년에 쓰였다. 통상 Starship으로 쉽게 부른다. [장르] Folk rock [제작] Paul Kantner [앨범] 8집 Jefferson Airplane (1989.8.22.) 싱글 1985.8.1 발매
[Music Video/Audio]
☞ 뮤직비디오 출처/소유권 유튜브 JeffersonAirplneVEVO 플러그인
주의) MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.
[Lyrics] Jefferson Airplane Planes노래가사
I love Planes, Jet Aircraft, I love Planes, Jet Aircraft
He was just a little boy and he sat there in his school
And the little girl in the very next chair she thought he was so cool
And she watched him draw and draw
Planes and wings and flying things
Even during tests he'd keep on drawing
And his mother didn't want him and his father was always working so he
Just set his head to the center of the sky and dreamed of
FLYING at first like a leaf floating in the air
Now like an eagle soaring there
FLYING Great roaring engines now will lift my wings
Rockets now and spacecraft to the center of the sky
I'm getting ready for a great leap forward
Ready for a leap in the pool
Ready to touch the stars again
Ready to go back to school
Puttin' the pieces together
Put on your wings and come with me and
Fly fly fly to the center of the sky let's go, Flying
I love Planes, Experimental Aircraft, I love Planes, Jet Jet Jet Aircraft
Breaking through, The sound barrier, Into, Into the Light
And the little boy is still like a little boy and he met another
little girl and they made another little boy
And the new little guy still loves planes and flying things
And both his mother and father love him and
Hold him and hug him whenever he needs it and
Soon will send him lovingly to the center of the sky, and teach him
Flying and Dreaming and Visions, True Flying
I love Planes, Jet Aircraft, I love Planes, Sensual Aircraft
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