
Beck Song Reader - I’m Down (feat. Jack White)[MV,뮤직비디오,노래 듣기,가사] 잭 화이트 피처링

올드코난 2014. 10. 5. 09:27

추천! 롤링스톤 선정 최고의 미국 기타리스트 잭 화이트 연주 피처링곡. 미국 싱어송라이터 벡(Beck Hansen) 악보집 Song Reader 2번 트랙곡으로 앨범으로 발매된 것은 아님. 출판사 McSweeney 

[제목] Beck Song Reader - I’m Down (feat. Jack White) [가수] Beck (Beck Hansen; 본명 Bek David Campbell; 1970.7.8~) [장르] Sheet music [제작] Beck Hansen [서적] Song Reader (2012.12.11) 

[Music Video/Audio]  

☞ 가사 악보 뮤직비디오 출처/소유권 유튜브 JackWhiteVEVO 플러그인 

주의)  MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요. 

[Lyrics] Beck Song Reader I’m Down 노래가사


I'm down and this town is a nuisance, It'll put your backbone all in ruin

With the area code of a truant, I'm fluent in the hazards of love


Feed a warrant to a billy goat, Fix the spelling on a suicide note

A get-well card from a holy ghost, To a beggar who smells like a rose


I'm down and I feel like a loner, There's a skyscraper city below her

I wanna feed my heart to a cobra, 'Cause nothing ever happens to me


Like a blessing disguised as a curse, Like a sermon that's run out of words

Like a cage that can't keep any birds, I can't keep my arms around you


I'm down, I'm down and this town is a backdrop, A back road over a roadblock

With a debutante in a tanktop, Who's telling me how to be free


Like a prayer in a personal ad, Like a knife in a broken back

Learn to love what you can't get rid of, Before it gets rid of you

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