2014.12.24 크리스마스 시즌에 맞춰 한국에 개봉예정인 월트디즈니 영화 숲속으로 (Into the Woods, 2014) 사운드트랙. 이 영화는 Stephen Sondheim이 만든 브로드웨이 뮤지컬 ‘숲속으로’를 영화화 한 것으로 크리스마스 시즌에 맞춰 가족 영화로 만들어 졌다. 메릴 스트립 (마녀 역), 조니 뎁 (늑대 역), 에밀리 블런트 (베이커 부인 역), 제임스 코덴 (베이커 역) 등 유명 배우들이 출연을 했고 롭 마샬 (Rob Marshall) 감독이 연출했다. 이곡을 부른 안나 캔드릭은 배우겸 가수로 2013년에 코미디 영화 Pitch Perfect (피치 퍼펙트,2012) OST Cups를 직접 불러 큰 인기를 얻었다. 안나는 이번 영화 숲속으로 에서는 신데렐라(Cinderella)역을 맡았다.
[제목] Anna Kendrick - On the Steps of the Palace (Cinderella 솔로곡) [가수] Anna Kendrick (안나 캔드릭)[장르] Film score, [제작] Stephen Sondheim. [앨범] Into the Woods (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (2014.12.15 월트디즈니)
[Music Video/Audio]
☞ 오디오 출처/소유권 유튜브 DisneyMusicVEVO 플러그인
주의) MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.
[Lyrics] Anna Kendrick On the Steps of the Palace (CINDERELLA) 노래가사
He's a very smart Prince, He's a Prince who prepares.
Knowing this time I'd run from him, He spread pitch on the stairs.
I was caught unawares. And I thought: well, he cares-
This is more than just malice. Better stop and take stock
While you're standing here stuck, On the steps of the palace.
You think, what do you want? You think, make a decision.
Why not stay and be caught? You think, well, it's a thought,
What would be his response? But then what if he knew
Who you were when you know, That you're not what he thinks
That he wants?
And then what if you are? What a Prince would envision?
Although how can you know, Who you are till you know
What you want, which you don't? So then which do you pick:
Where you're safe, out of sight, And yourself, but where everything's wrong?
Or where everything's right, And you know that you'll never belong?
And whichever you pick, Do it quick, 'Cause you're starting to stick, To the steps of the palace.
It's your first big decision, The choice isn't easy to make.
To arrive at a ball, Is exciting and all- Once you're there, though, it's scary.
And it's fun to deceive, When you know you can leave, But you have to be wary.
There's a lot that's at stake, But you've stalled long enough,
'Cause you're still standing stuck, In the stuff on the steps...
Better run along home, And avoid the collision.
Even though they don't care, You'll be better of there
Where there's nothing to choose, So there's nothing to lose.
So you pry up your shoes.
Then from out of the blue, And without any guide,
I know what your decision is, Which is not to decide.
You'll leave him a clue: For example, a shoe.
And then see what he'll do.
Now it's he and not you, Who is stuck with a shoe,
In a stew, in the goo, And you've learned something, too,
Something you never knew, On the steps of the palace.
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