개봉예정인 영화 Fast & Furious 7 (한국명 분노의 질주: 더 세븐) 사운드 트랙
[제목] Prince Royce - My Angel (Furious 7 Soundtrack) [가수] Prince Royce(프린스 로이체; Geoffrey Royce Rojas; 1989.5.11.~ ) [장르] OST [제작] ? [앨범] Furious 7 Soundtrack(2015. 예정)
[Music Video/Audio]
☞ 뮤직비디오 출처 유튜브 AtlanticVideo 플러그인 *
주의) MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.
[Lyrics] Prince Royce My Angel 노래가사
Within seconds you stole my attention
Skin so perfect, a golden complexion
More than beautiful girl, you're a work of art
Oh, my, I cannot believe my eyes
Oh, my, pinch me, am I dreamin', am I?
Oh, my, did you fall from the skies?
I can't see your wings, but girl, you're an angel
Oh, my, my angel
You're so out of this world, you're hiding your halo
Oh, oh, my angel, Oh, my, my angel
Won't you be mine? My angel
I can't see your wings, but girl, you're an angel, Oh, my angel
Atrapaste mi amor en segundos
Piel de oro y ojos profundos
Una obra maestra, a work of art
Oh, my, I cannot believe my eyes
Oh, my, tu cuerpo es un sueño, oh my
Oh, my, did you fall from the skies?
I can't see your wings, but girl, you're an angel
Oh, my, my angel
You're so out of this world, you're hiding your halo
Oh, oh, my angel, Oh, my, my angel
Won't you be mine? My angel
I can't see your wings, but girl, you're an angel, Oh, my angel
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