조시 그로반 발매예정인 7집 3번째 공개곡이다. 7집은 대부분 뮤지컬 노래들로 채워질 전망으로 이곡 Le Temps Des Cathédrales (The Age of Cathedrals 대성당들의 시대)은 한국에서는 노트르담의 꼽추로 알려진 빅토르 위고 원작 뮤지컬 Notre-Dame De Paris (노트르담 드 파리)의 오프닝곡이다.
[제목] Josh Groban - Le Temps Des Cathedrales (Notre-Dame De Paris) (노트르담 드 파리 - 대성당들의 시대) [가수/테너] Josh Groban (조시 그로반, Joshua Winslow Groban; 1981.2.27.~ ) [장르] operatic pop [제작] 작곡 Richard Cocciante; 작사 Luc Plamondon (프랑스어), Will Jennings (영어) [앨범] 7집 Stages (2015. 예정) *싱글 2015.4.1.한국 발매
[Music Video/Audio]
☞ 오디오 출처 유튜브 joshgroban 플러그인 *
주의) MP3 무료 다운로드 요청 거절, 음원 사이트에서 정상 구매하세요.
[Lyrics] Josh Groban Le Temps Des Cathédrales 노래가사
[프랑스어 가사]
C'est une histoire qui a pour lieu, Paris la belle en l'an de Dieu
Mil quatre cent quatre vingt deux, Histoire d'amour et de désir
Nous les artistes anonymes, De la sculpture ou de la rime
Tenterons de vous la transcrire, Pour les siècles à venir
Il est venu le temps des cathédrales, Le monde est entré
Dans un nouveau millénaire, L'homme a voulu monter vers les étoiles
Ecrire son histoire, Dans le verre ou dans la pierre
Pierre après pierre, jour après jour, De siècle en siècle avec amour
Il a vu s'élever les tours, Qu'il avait bâties de ses mains
Les poètes et les troubadours, Ont chanté des chansons d'amour
Qui promettaient au genre humain, De meilleurs lendemains
[Refrain x2]
Il est foutu le temps des cathédrales, La foule des barbares
Est aux portes de la ville, Laissez entrer ces païens, ces vandales
La fin de ce monde, Est prévue pour l'an deux mille, Est prévue pour l'an deux mille
[영어 가사]
This is a story that takes place, In fair Paris in the year of our Lord
Fourteen hundred eighty two, A story of love and of desire
We, the anonymous artists, Of sculpture and verse,
Will attempt to transcribe it for you, And for the centuries to come
The age of cathedrals has come, The world has entered
A new millennium, Man wanted to reach the stars
To write his story, In glass and in stone
Stone after stone, day after day, From century to century with love
He saw the towers rise, That he had built with his hands
The poets and the troubadours, Sang songs of love
That promised the human race, Better days to come
The age of cathedrals has gone, The hoard of barbarians
Storms the city gates, Let them in, these pagans, these vandals
The end of this world, Is predicted for the year 2000, Is predicted for the year 2000
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