
이솝우화 제 132화 돼지와 양 (Perry 85. The Pig and the Sheep)

올드코난 2016. 10. 16. 14:16

올드코난 (Old Conan)재해석하는 현대판 이솝우화 (Aesop's Fables, Aesopica) => 원 저작자: Aesop; 참고 번역본 저자: 조지 파일러 타운센드(George Fyler Townsend, 1814-1900) 외 / 현재 알려진 이솝우화들을 현대적으로 해석해  소개해 드리겠습니다.

올드코난의 이솝우화 제 132화 돼지와 양 (Perry 85. The Pig and the Sheep)

어떤 돼지 한 마리가 염소와 양들의 무리 사이에서 같이 풀을 뜯어 먹고 있었다. 이를 발견한 목동이 돼지를 붙잡았다. 갑작스런 일에 돼지는 놀라 “꽥꽥”하며 크게 소리를 치기 시작했다. 옆에 있던 염소와 양은 대수롭지 않게 여기며 돼지를 달래 주기 위해 이렇게 말했다. 

“괜찮아, 가끔 목동이 우리들도 붙잡고는 하는데, 아무일도 없고 우린 절대 울지 않아”

그러자 돼지는 이렇게 말했다. 

“당신들과 나는 달라. 목동은 양의 젖이나 털을 깎기 위해 붙잡지만, 인간은 우리를 잡아 먹기 위해 붙잡는단 말야!”

세상은 때론 공평하지 않다.

[올드코난 한마디]

이 이야기는 같아 보이지만 달라 보이는 일들, 나의 처지와 남의 처지가 같지 않을 수 있다는 것을 충고하는 말이다. 오늘날 대한민국의 문제점들은 사회 기득권층이 서민 근로자들과 더불어 살기 보다는 돼지처럼 삶아서 먹으려 든다. 양의 털은 다시 자라지만, 죽은 돼지는 다시는 살릴 수 없다. 근로자들을 억압하기 보다는 공존을 하려는 노력이 필요하지 않을까.

[영어 문장]

Perry 85. The Pig and the Sheep

A Pig lived with a Goat and Sheep. The Master laid hold of him and he resisted. Sheep and Goat complained at the noise. Pig said his life was at stake.

Sometimes complaining is justified.

1. Townsend version

A young Pig was shut up in a fold-yard with a Goat and a Sheep. On one occasion when the shepherd laid hold of him, he grunted and squeaked and resisted violently. The Sheep and the Goat complained of his distressing cries, saying, “He often handles us, and we do not cry out.” To this the Pig replied, “Your handling and mine are very different things. He catches you only for your wool, or your milk, but he lays hold on me for my very life.”

2. Aesop For Children

One day a shepherd discovered a fat Pig in the meadow where his Sheep were pastured. He very quickly captured the porker, which squealed at the top of its voice the moment the Shepherd laid his hands on it. You would have thought, to hear the loud squealing, that the Pig was being cruelly hurt. But in spite of its squeals and struggles to escape, the Shepherd tucked his prize under his arm and started off to the butcher’s in the market place.

The Sheep in the pasture were much astonished and amused at the Pig’s behavior, and followed the Shepherd and his charge to the pasture gate.

“What makes you squeal like that?” asked one of the Sheep. “The Shepherd often catches and carries off one of us. But we should feel very much ashamed to make such a terrible fuss about it like you do.”

“That is all very well,” replied the Pig, with a squeal and a frantic kick. “When he catches you he is only after your wool. But he wants my bacon! gree-ee-ee!”

Moral: It is easy to be brave when there is no danger. 

글 작성/편집 올드코난 (Old Conan)

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