유익한 정보
이 글은 확실하게 번역된 것이 아니므로 단지 개인적인 이해의 정도로만 사용하시길 바랍니다. 사실 이 글의 많은 부분이 해석하기가 어려웠고, 또한 이글에서 사용되는 프랑스어 원문을 영어로 번역하는 과정에도 방언의 완전한 해석이나 문장 배열이 불완전함으로 인하여 완벽하지 못합니다. 단지 어느 정도 영문을 읽을 수 있는 사람을 위해 이 원문이 작성되었음을 알려드립니다. 저자는 확실하지 않습니다. 알아내는대로 이곳에 그의 인터넷 페이지 주소와 출처를 기재하겠습니다.
노스트라다무스 예언서
PART II: The purification of Divine winepress, Christian persecution during the World War III.
신의 포도즙짜는 기구의 정제(정화), 3차 세계대전 중의 그리스도교도 박해
I.44 Christians shall be subjected to martyrdom during World War III.
3차 세계대전 동안 그리스도교도는 순교를 위임 받을 것이다
En bref seront de retour sacrifices
Contrevenans seront mis a martyre
Plus ne seront moines, abbez ne novices
Le miel sera beaucoup plus cher que cire
Bref: brief; retour: return; contrevenant: offender; martyre: martyrdom; plus ne: no more; moine: monk; abbez: abbot; miel: honey; cher: dear, cherished; cire: wax.
For a brief time, sacrifices shall reccur
잠시의 시간동안, 희생은 (발생하리라)
Offenders shall be subject to martyrdom
범죄자는 순교를 위임당할 것이다
No more monks, abbots or novices
(죽어서) 그이상의 수도자, 대수도 원장, 또는 초신자
Food (honey) shall be more cherished than wax candles
음식(꿀)은 양초보다 더 소중하게 되리라.
COMMENT: Religious persecution during wars and great loss of faith.Offenders are the unfaithful Christians who are offending God.
VIII.93 Schism shall take place at the beginning of the War.
분파(분열)이 전쟁의 시작에 일어나리라.
Sept mois sans plus obtiendra prelature
Par son decez grand scisme fera naistre
Sept mois tiendra un autre la preture
Pres de Venise paix union renaistre
Mois: month; obtiendra (obtenir): to obtain; sans plus: no more than; prelature: prelate, bishop; decez (deces): deceased; scisme: schism; autre: another; preture (prelature): prelate; renaistre: to be reborn.
No more than seven months one shall obtain the papacy
7달 이내로 누군가 교황권을 얻을 것이다
Through his death great schism shall be born
그의 죽음으로 거대한 분열이 생길 것이다(태어나리라)
Seven months another one shall tenure
7달 동안 다른 한사람이 보유하리라
Near Venise peace and union shall be born again
베니스 가까이 평화와 연합은 다시 생겨나리라.
COMMENT: At the beginning of the European conflict, one pope who is probably the successor of John Paul II, shall reign only for seven months. He might be martyred by the the occupying forces. Great Schism shall take place after his death as his successor shall be a liberal one. At the end of the War, another pope shall reign also for seven months and he shall be martyred by the withdrawing Muslim force. Afterwards, peace shall come.
VI.25 Italians shall betray papacy. A young African cardinal shall be elected pope.
이탈리아인은 교황을 배반하리라. 젊은 아프리카 추기경이 교황으로 뽑히게 되리라.
Par Mars constraire sera la Monarchie
Du grand pescheur en trouble ruineux
Jeune, noire, rouge prendra la hierarchie
Les proditeurs iront jour bruineux
Constraire: contrary, opposite; pescheur (pecheur): fisherman; ruineux: disastrous, in ruin; jeune: young; prendra: take, manage; proditeur: (latin = proditor) traitor; bruineux (brumeux): misty.
War shall adversely affect the Monarchie
전쟁은 불리하게 지배자에게 영향을 주리라
Of the great fisherman which shall be in trouble and ruin
여러움과 파멸 속에 놓인 위대한 어부(?)
The young, black, and red shall take over the hierarchie
젊은이, 검정, 그리고 빨강은 교주(고위 성직자)에게 (정신적) 타격을 가할 것이다
The traitors shall penetrate on a misty day
반역자는 안개낀 날에 (도망갈 것이다)통과할 것이다
COMMENT: The great Monarchie of the great Fisherman (St. Peter) is the Church. The young, black, red is a young cardinal from Africa who shall be elected as the pope during the difficult time of the Church. Italian traitors shall betray the papacy and Rome.
VI.26 The Church's Doctrine and Tradition shall be abandoned by a sensual pope.
교회의 교리와 성전은 음탕한 교황으로 인해 버려질 것이다.
Quartre ans le siege quelque peu bien tiendra
Un surviendra libidineux de vie
Ravenne et Pise, Veronne soustiendront
Pour elever la croix du Pape envie
Quartre: four; siege: seat, papacy; quelque peu: somewhat; tiendra (tenir): to hold, tenure; surviendra (survivre): to survive; live on; libidineux: (latin = libidinosus) licentious, sensuous; soustiendront (soutenir): to support; elever: to elevate; croix: cross; pape: pope; envie: envy; faire envie: to be tempting.
He shall keep the papacy somewhat good for four years
그는 (얼마되지 않는;얼마간) 4년동안 충분하게 교황자리를 지킬 것이다
Then shall live on a licentious life
그 다음에 방탕한(음탕한) 삶으로 지낼(살) 것이다.
Ravenne, Pise, and Veronne shall support him
Ravenne, Pise, 그리고 Veronne는 그를 지지할 것이다
By elevating the cross according to the pope's temptation
교황의 유혹에 의한 십자가를 들어 올림으로(?)
COMMENT: This (anti-)pope is the one mentioned in the preceding quatrain VI.25. The Church's holy Doctrine shall be abandoned and modified to fit his sensual lifestyle. Among them shall be the vow of priestly celibacy.
V.38 The vow of priestly celibacy shall be abolished.
성직자다운 독신주의의 서약은 폐지될 것이다.
Ce grand monarque qu'an mort succedera
Donnera vie illicite et lubrique
Par nonchalance a tous concedera
Qu'a la parfin faudra la loi Salique
Ce: this ,that; succedera (succeder): to succeed; mort: dead; donner: to enjoy greatly; illicite: illicit, unlawful; lubrique: lewd, lecherous; nonchalance: carelessness; a tous: completely; concedera: to concede; parfin: the end; faudra (falloir): shall need; loi: law; Salique: certain tribes of ancient Frank, based on Salian code of laws, allowed only male heirs to have succession to certain lands and excluded females chiefly because certain military duties which were connected with the holdings of those lands.Here this means the vow of celibacy and male priesthood.
A great monarch shall succeed a dead one
위대한 지배자는 죽은자의 뒤를 계승하리라
Shall enjoy an illicit and lewd life-style
불법과 음란한 생활을 즐기리라
Carelessly, to all, he shall concede all
부주의하게, 모두에게, 그는 모든 것을 승인하리라
At the end of his tenure, Salic law shall be needed
그의 재직의 끝에, 살릭 법이 필요하게 되리라
살릭 법 : ?
COMMENT: An anti-pope shall reign and conduct a sinful life-style. He shall yield to the pressure from the heretics and the enemies of the Church , eventually shall abolish the vow of priestly celibacy and male priesthood.
IV. 40 The great Schism and religious persecution.
거대한 분열과 종교적 박해
Les forteresses des assiegez serrez
Par poudre a feu profondes en abysme
Les proditeurs seront tous vifs serrez
Onc aux Sacristes n'advint si piteux scisme
Forteress: fortress, stronghold; assieger: besiege; serrez: enclosed, constricted; poudre: gun powder; profond: deep, dark; abysme: abyss; proditeur: (latin = proditor) traitor; onc: ever, never; sacriste: mild expletive expressing of indignation, here means religious dissents; advint (advenir): to happen; scisme: schism.
The stronghold of the besieged shall be enclosed
포위된(의) 근거지(요새)는 에워싸이게 되리라
By gun powder and fierce fire of the abyss
화약과 사나운 지옥의 불은
The traitors shall all be engulfed
반역자를 모두 삼키리라
Never before that the dissents cause such pitiful schism
그 이전에 없는 의견 차이가 그러한 비참한 분열의 원인이 된다
COMMENT: The Eastern invaders shall gain upperhand initially. The dissent clergy shall be persecuted after they cause a great Schism in the Church.
V.46 The Schism and Albania attacks Rome.
분열, 그리고 알바니아는 로마를 공격한다.
Par chappeaux rouges querelles et nouveaux scismes
Quand on aura eleu le Sabinois
On produira contre lui grands sophismes
Et sera Rome lesee par Albanois
Chapeaux: hats; rouge: red; querell: quarrel; nouveaux: new; scisme: schism; on: one; Sabinois: Sabine, one of ancient people who lived in central Italy; produira: produce; contre: contrary; lui: him, to him; sophisme: fallacious argument; lesee (leser): to injure, to wrong; Albanois: Albanie.
Due to the quarrel between cardinals and new schism
추기경과 분파(새로운 분열)와의 말다툼에
While one elects an Italian pope
한편 사람들은 이탈리아인인 교황을 선출한다
One shall produce the result contrary to their fallacious arguments
사람들은 그들의 그릇된 주장으로 반대의 결과를 얻는다
And Rome shall be harmed by Albanians
그리고 로마는 알바니아인으로 손해를 입는다
COMMENT: The Schism shall take place when an Italian pope shall be selected to succeed Pope John Paul II. Then Rome shall be invaded by Albanians.
IV.29 The martyrdom of Christians and the true Church goes underground.
그리스도교도의 수난과 참된 교회는 지하로 숨는다.
Oui sous terre saint d'ame voix fainte
Humain flamme pour divine voir luire
Ferra des seuls de leur sang terre tainte
Et les saint temples pour les impure destruire
Oui (ouir); heard; sous: under; terre: ground; saint: holy; ame: soul; voix: voice, sound; fainte: faint; luire: to shine, glisten; voir: to see, behold; seul: by themselves, of their own; taint: stained; leur: their; destruire: to destroy.
Underground holy saints' faint voices are heard
지하의 신성한 성자의 가냘픈 목소리가 들려온다
Human flames shine as the Divine witnesses
사람들은 신의 증거들처럼 빛을 타오르게 하며
By their own blood, the ground is stained
그들의 고유한 피로, 땅은 얼룩지게 된다
And the holy temples shall be destroyed by the impure
그리고 신성한 교회는 불순한 자들로 파괴되어질 것이다
COMMENT: Christians shall be martyred as the enemies of the Church invade Europe and Rome. The true Church shall go underground as the heretics shall be installed in Rome by the Eastern forces.
I.52 Like the Crucified Lord, the Church shall have her own passion and crucifixion.
십자가에 못받힌 예수처럼, 교회는 교녀의 고유한 고통과 고난(십자가에 못박힘)을
가지게 될 것이다.
Les deux malin de Scorpion conjoint
Le Grand Seigneur meurtry dedans sa salle
Peste a l'Eglise par le nouveau Roy joints
L'Europe basse et Septentrioanle
Malin: evil; scorpion: army of God's Justice (see Joel and Apocalypse); conjoint: united, joined; Grand Seigneur or Notre Seigneur: Our Lord Jesus; meurtry (tout meurtri): covered with bruises; dedans: inside; salle: hall, Roman praetorium; peste: plague; l'Eglise: the Church; joint: joined, connected; basse: lowered, debassed, humbled; septentrioanle: anagram of "serpent-et-lion", the lion beast begot by the ancient serpent mentioned in Daniel 7:4 which entices sins of flesh through feminism, sex, pornography, etc.
Two evil armies shall join forces to carry out the Divine Justice
둘의 악의 군대들이 신의 심판을 수행하기 위해 힘을 합치리라
Like the Crucified Lord being scourged at the Roman praetorium
로마 치안소(치안관의 사무소?)에서 십자가에 못박힌 예수가 채찍질 당한 것처럼
His Mystical Body the Church shall be put through her own passion by an Italian king
그의 신비한 몸으로 교회는 이탈리아 왕으로 인해 그녀의 고유한 고통을 받을 것이다
Europe shall become debassed and belong to the lioness beast of fornication
유럽은 (품위가) 떨어지고 우상 숭배의 암사자 짐승(AntiChrist)의 소유가 될 것이다
IV.49 "My God, my God, why hast thou abandon me?"
"신이시어, 신이시어, 왜 당신은 나를 버리려 합니까?"
Devant le peuple sang sera respandu
Que du haut ciel ne viendra eslongner
Mais d'un long temps ne sera entendu
L'esprit d'un seul le viendra tesmoigner
Devant: before, ahead; respandu: poured out, spilled; haut: high, haughty; eslongner: to come alongside; mais: but; entendu: be understood, be heard; seul: alone, on one'sown, tesmoingner: to bear witness, to prove.
Before the crowd, blood shall be shed
군중의 앞에서, 피는 흘려지게 되리라
While the high Heaven seems abandoning mankind
높은 하늘이 인간을 버리는 것처럼 보이는 동안
And Heavenly Voice shall not be heard for a long time
그리고 천국의 음성은 오랜 시간동안 들리지 않게 되리라
One shall rely on his spirit alone
사람들은 홀로 그의 정신(영혼)만을 의지하리라
V.73 The Church shall be chastised by God including Poland.
폴란드를 포함하여 교회는 신으로부터 벌을 받을 것이다.
Persecutee de Dieu sera l"Eglise
Et les saint temples seront expoliez
L'enfant, la mere mettre nud en chemise
Seront Arabes aux Polons ralliez
Dieu: God; l'Eglise: the Church; saint temple: holy temple; expoliez: exposed, abandoned; enfant: infant; mere: mother; chemise: blouse, Polons: Pologne or Poland; ralliez (raler): to rage.
The Church shall be chastised by God
교회는 신에게 벌을 받을 것이다
And the holy temples shall be exposed
그리고 신성한 성전(예류살렘의 여호와 신전)은 위험에 드러나게 될 것이다
An infant pulls up the shirt(blouse) of his lifeless mother to nurse
유아는 그의 생명없는 어머니의 웃옷이 간호사에게로 전해지는 것을 제지하리라(?)
Arabians (Muslims) shall rage in Poland
아라비아 사람들(이슬람교도)은 폴란드에서 분노할 것이다(날뛸 것이다)
COMMENT: For her defiance against God, the Church shall be chastised. The once devout Catholic countries such as Poland, France, and Italy shall be inflicted the most through barbarian hands.
VIII.98 The Church's Martyrdom or passion.
교회의 수난과 (정신적)고통
Des gens d'Eglise sang sera expanche
Comme de l'eau en si grand abondance
Et d'un long temps ne sera restranche
Veue au clerc ruine et doleance
Gens: race, people; Eglise: the Church; espanche (epancher): to shed, overflow; comme: like; eau: water; temps: time; restranche (retrncher): to curtail, cut off, suppress; veue (voir): seen; clerc: cleric; doleance: grievance, complaint.
From the members of the Church blood shall be overflown
교회의 회원들(구성원들)로부터 피가 넘치게 될 것이다
Like water flowing with great abundance
물이 가득히 흐르는 것 같이
And for a long time shall not be suppressed
그리고 오랜동안 (피는) 멈추지 못할 것이다
Seen are cleric ruin and grievance
보여지는 것(?)은 성직자의 파멸 그리고 불평이다
COMMENT: Christians including clergy shall be persecuted greatly during the World War which shall last about 27 - 30 years. Like Christ the Head of the Church, His Mystical Body or the Church shall have to go through her own passion.
V.15 Upon sailing, the great Pontiff shall be captured.
항해 중에, 위대한 교황이 붙잡힐 것이다.
En navigant catif pris grand pontif
Grands apprestez saillir les clers tumultuez
Second eleu absent son bien debile
Son favory bastard a mort tue
Navigant: sailing; pris: caught, taken; apprestez (aprete): bitterness; saillir: to bring out, stand out; eleu: elected; debile: weak, feeble, (n.) mental defective; favori: favorite; tue (tuer): to kill, slaughter.
Upon sailing the great pontiff shall be captured
항해 중에 위대한 교황은 붙잡히게 될 것이다
The tumultuous clergy shall bring out great bitter division
동요한 성직자들은 큰 쓰라린 분열을 (세상에)나타낼 것이다
Second is elected as the chosen is so feeble and absent
두 번째는 너무나 연약하고 불참이 있는 선택으로 선출되게 될 것이다(?)
His favorite bastard is put to death
그의 좋아하는 서자(사생아)는 죽음을 당하게 된다
COMMENT: The great pontiff here might be the one who reign at the end of the World War before the period of peace. He shall be remembered as the peace-maker.
V.44 The pope, the peace-maker, shall be kidnapped.
조정자(중재인)인 교황은 납치당하게 될 것이다
Par mer le rouge sera pris des pirates
La paix sera par son moyen troublee
L'ire et l'aure commettra par saint acte
Au grand pontif sera l'armee doublee
Paix: peace; moyen: means, way, middle, intermediator; ire: wrath, anger; aure (aureole): halo; commettre: to commend to; armee: army.
In the sea the red hat shall be captured by pirates
바다에서 붉은 모자는 해적들에 의해 붙잡히게 된다
Peace through his mediation shall be in trouble
그의 중재를 통한 평화는 문제에 놓이게 될 것이다
Wrath and veneration shall be commenced through saintly act
분노 그리고 존경은 성도다운 행동으로 시작되어지게 된다
Around the great pontiff the army shall be doubled
위대한 교황 주위에 군대가 두 배가 되어질 것이다
COMMENT: This is the great pope who was mentioned in the preceding quatrain.
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