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노스트라다무스 예언서
PART III: The Divine Providence. 신의 섭리
V.96 The Apparitions of Blessed Virgin Mary prophesied.
축복받은 동정녀 성모 마리아의 환영이 예언된다.
Sur le millieu du grand monde la rose
Pour nouveaux faits sang public espandu
A dire vrai on aura bouche close
Lors au besoin tard viendra l'attendu
Sur le milieu: in the middle...; monde: the world; rose: here Mystical Rose, one of many titles of the Mother of God; nouveaux: renewed, new; fait: act, action, deed, here faith; sang: blood; espandu (espacer): to spread; a dire vrai: to tell the truth; on: one, people; bouche: mouth; close: closed, shut; besoin: a need, hunger, thrist; tard: late; viendra: shall come; attendu: expected, awaited for.
In the middle of the world is the Mystical Rose
세계의 중심에 신비한 장미가 있다
For the renewal blood shall be shed publicly
일신을 위하여 피는 공공연하게 흘려지게 될 것이다
One shall be condemed for telling the Truth
사람들은 진실을 말함을 비난할(책망할) 것이다
Then the thirst as the awaited one (Messiah) shall be late in coming
그 다음에 누군가(구세주)를 기다렸던 것 같은 갈증은 도래에 늦을 것이다
COMMENT: Before He imposes His Judgment upon us, God sent His Mother, the Blessed Virgin, to guide us back to Him. We now live in the Marian era which shall be followed by the terrible period of Chastisements which is necessary for the purification of the Church.
II.27 Garabandal: God's Mercy or the Divine Illumination upon man's soul.
Garabandal(가라반달) : 신의 자비 또는 인간의 영혼의 신의 계몽.
Le divin verbe sera du ciel frappe
Qui ne pourra proceder plus avant
Du reserant le secret estoupe
Qu'on marchera par dessus et devant
Divine Verbe: the Word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ; frapper: to strike; proceder: to proceed; plus: more; avant: further, ahead; reserant (reserver): to reserve; marche: to walk; par dessus et devant: back and forth.
The Word of God from Heaven strikes
하늘로무터의 신의 복음이 마음에 떠오르게 된다
One shall not proceed further
사람들은 더 깊이(멀리) 나아가지 못할 것이다
Buried within, the secrets shall be exposed
속에 뭍혀, 비밀이 드러나게 될 것이다
One shall run back and forth in panic
사람들은 공포로 뒤와 앞으로 도망가게 될 것이다
COMMENT: There shall be a worlwide, universal Warning from God to all His sinful creatures. Every activity shall stop mometarily so one can examine his conscience and his past in the Presence of God. All the secrets buried deeply in one's heart shall be revealed. This event is like a minor judgment. Afterwards the whole world shall become bewildered and panicked.
II.92 Garabandal: The Miracle and the Final Sign.
Garabandal : 기적과 마지막 이적.
Feu, couleur d'or de ciel en terre veu
Frappe du haut n'ay, fait cas merveilleux
Grand meutre humain, prise du grand veveu
Morts d'expectacles, eschappe l'orgueilleux
Veu: viewed; frapper: to impress, surprise; naitre: to be born; haut: haughty; cas: case,event; meutre: massacre, murder; veveu (veuve): (plur. of veuf) widow; expectacle (spectacle): show, exhibition, here witness; orgueilleux: proud, haughty.
Column of fire , shining like gold from the sky to the earth
불의 기둥, 하늘에서 땅으로 황금과 같은 빛
Dumb-founded is the haughty, a marvelous event
어쩔줄 몰라함은 오만함, 믿기 어려운 사건이다(?)
Great human massacre, great affliction to many widows
크나큰 인간 대학살, 미망인들의 불행의 원인
Death of witnesses, the proud shall escape death
증거(증인)의 죽음, 자존심(긍지?)은 죽음을 벗어나게 될 것이다
COMMENT: Before the persecution and martyrdom of many believers and much blood shed, God shall give mankind an unusual sign in the form of heavenly fire stretching from the sky to the earth, a miraculous event which cannot be explained by haughty scientists.
III.2 Praises to our Lord Jesus Christ.
우리의 왕 예수 그리스도에게 찬미하라.
Le divine verbe pourra a la substance
Comprins ciel, terre, or occult au fait mystique
Corps, ame, esprit ayant tout puissance
Tant soubs ses pieds comme au siege Celique
Verbe: le Verbe means the Word of God; pourra (pourrir): to rot, debase, become inferior; or: gold; occult: hidden, secret; fait: action, deed, feat; corp: body; ame: soul, ayant (avoir): to have, possess; puissance: power; tant: so, so many; soubs (soubassement): pedestal, lower portion; ses: his; pied: foot, leg; comme: as siege: seat, chair; Celique (Cielique): Heavenly.
The Divine Word turns into Substance
신의 복음은 신성(실체?)으로 변하리라
Heaven, earth, and hidden treasure all involve in this mystical event
하늘, 땅, 그리고 숨겨진 보물은 모두 신비한 사건에 말려들 것이다
In Body, Soul, Spirit, He is almighty
몸, 영혼, 정신에 그는 전능하게 된다
Upon His Footstool as in His Heavenly Throne
그의 발판 위로 그의 하늘의 왕처럼
COMMENT: Nostradamus sang praise to the Lord.
IX. 12 The Potter and His Clay.
도공과 그의 점토.
Le tant d'argent de Diane et Mercure
Les simulacres au lac seront trouvez
Le figulier cherchant argille neuve
Lui et les siens, d'or seront abbreuvez
Tant: so much; tant d'argent: so much silver, here means thunder or lightning; Diane: (fig.) Blessed Virgin Mary; Mercure: (fig.) God's Chastisements; simulacre: image, phantom; lac: lake (of fire); trouver: to find, discover; figulier: potter; cherchant (chercher): to seek; argile: clay; neuve: new; lui: him; sien: his; or: gold; abbreuvez (abreuver): to water, to fill up.
Warning from Blessed Virgin and Thunder of God's Justice
축복받은 동정녀와 신의 심판의 번개로부터의 경고
Phantoms (souls) shall be found in the lake of fire
유령(영혼)은 불의 호수에서 찾게 되리라
The Potter shall seek new Clay
도공은 새로운 진흙을 찾을 것이다
Him and His ( children ) shall be full of golden glory
그를 그리고 그의 (아이들)은 황금빛의 영광으로 가득하게 될 것이다
COMMENT: Blessed Mary was sent from heaven to warn mankind about the coming perils. Many shall die and their souls shall be in eternal hell-fire. The Lord (Potter) purifies and renew the earth with a new race (Clay).
VI.78 "At the end, my Immaculate Heart shall triumph..."
"끝에, 내 완전한 마음(심장)은 승리하리라..."
Crier victoire du grand Selin croissant
Par les Romains sera l'Aigle clame
Ticcin, Milan et Gennes ny consent
Puis par eux memes Basil grand reclame
Crier: cry; Selin: (Greek) moon, (fig.) Blessed Virgin; Romains: (fig.) faithful Christians, her faithful children; Aigle: eagle, (fig.) the Gospel of St. John ; clame (clamer): to proclaim; puis: then, afterwards; eux: them; memes: same; basil: (Greek) king; reclame: to claim, to demand.
The triumphant cry shall belong to the Blessed Virgin
승리를 얻은 울음(기쁨의 눈물)은 축복받은 동정녀의 것이 되리라
Through the help of her faithful children, St. John's Gospel shall be proclaimed
그녀의 충실한 아이들의 도움으로, 성자 존의 복음은 선언될 것이다
Ticcin, Milan, and Genoa still disconsent
Ticcin, Milan, 그리고 Genoa는 여전히 반대한다
Afterwards through them (Italians), the King of kings shall reclaim
후에 그들(이탈리아인들)로 통하여, 왕들 중의 왕은 교화되리라
COMMENT: This quatrain reflects the prophecies in Chapter 12 of Apocalypse.
VIII.95 The golden period of peace.
평화의 황금같은 기간
Le seducteur sera mis dans la fosse
Et estache jusques a quelque temps
Le clerc uni, le chef avec sa crosse
Pycante droite attraira les contens
Seducteur: the Seducer, Satan; mis: placed; fosse: pit; estache (attache): tied up; jusque: till , up to; quelque: some; clerc: clergy; uni: united; pycante: to pick; droite: straight, upright; attraira (attrait): attract; contens: dissent, heretic.
The Seducer shall be put in the pit
유혹자(색마)는 지옥(구멍)에 던져지게 되리라
And tied up for some time
그리고 약간의 시간동안 단단히 묶이게 되리라
Clergy united, the temporal leader with the Cross
성직자들은 연합하게 되며, 십자가를 든 일시적인 지도자
Choosing the right shall attract the dissents
옳음을 선택은 의견차이를 당기게 될 것이다(좁히게 될 것이다)
COMMENT: God shall bind Satan in the dungeon for a while during the period of peace and the antichrist shall come. Temporal rulers shall become Christians who are supportive and obedient to the Holy See.