유익한 정보
이 글은 확실하게 번역된 것이 아니므로 단지 개인적인 이해의 정도로만 사용하시길 바랍니다. 사실 이 글의 많은 부분이 해석하기가 어려웠고, 또한 이글에서 사용되는 프랑스어 원문을 영어로 번역하는 과정에도 방언의 완전한 해석이나 문장 배열이 불완전함으로 인하여 완벽하지 못합니다. 단지 어느 정도 영문을 읽을 수 있는 사람을 위해 이 원문이 작성되었음을 알려드립니다. 저자는 확실하지 않습니다. 알아내는대로 이곳에 그의 인터넷 페이지 주소와 출처를 기재하겠습니다.
노스트라다무스 예언서
PART II: The Hosanna of the Church or the Golden period of peace.
교회의 하나님을 찬송하는 외침 또는 평화의 전성 기간
VI.2 World War I and World War III.
1차 세계대전과 3차 세계대전.
En l'an cinq cens octante plus et moins
On attend te siecle bien etrange
En l'an sept cens et trois (cieus en tesmoins)
Que plusieurs regnes un a cinq feront change
An: year; cens: one hundred; octante: eighty; plus et moins: plus or minus; on: one, people; attend (attendre): to wait for; siecle: century, age, period; etrange: strange; trois: three; cieus: heavens; tesmoins: testimonial; plusieur: many; regnes: kingdoms; un a cinq: one out of five.
In the year of 1580 plus or minus
1580년 정도에
One shall attend a very extraordinary period of time
사람들은 시간의 굉장히 이상한 순간을 경험할 것이다(출석할 것이다).
In the year of 1703 (heavens witness)
1703년에(하늘의 증거)
In which many kingdoms, one out of five shall be undone
많은 왕국들에서, 다섯을 넘어선 한 무엇이 세상을 망치도록 것이다.
- one out of five : six ???
- 1 2 3 4 5 / 6(1) 7(2) 8(3) 9(4) 10(5) ???
COMMENT: Nostradamus, on several extraordinary occasions, had used the liturgical reference of 325AD, the year on which the Council of Nicea was convened. Thus the year of 1580 plus or minus is actually 1580 + 325 = 1905 plus or minus or 1914 AD, the year of World War I. And 1703 should become 1703 + 325 or 2028AD, the year on which World War III shall end. One out five countries on earth shall be demolished by this long war.
X.89 Fifty seven years of peace.
평화의 57년.
De brique en marbre serot les murs reduits
Sept et cinquante annees pacifique
Joye aux humains, renove l'aqueduct
Sante, grand fruits, joye et temps melifique
Brique: brick; marbre: marble; mur: wall; reduit: reduced, reconstructed; sept: seven; cinquante: fifty; an: year; pacifique: peaceful; renove (renover): renovated, restored; sant : health; melifique: mellifluous, rich with honey.
From brick into marble shall the walls be rebuilt
벽돌에서 대리석으로 벽을 재건하리라.
Seven and fifty peaceful years
7 그리고 50의 평화로 가득찬 해(year)동안
Joy to humans, renovation to aqueduct
기쁨이 인류에게, 혁신(쇄신)이 수로(水路)에게로
Good health, great fruits, joys and time flowing with honey and milk
건강, 풍성한 과일, 기쁨들과 시간이 꿀과 우유와 같이 흐름(?) => 풍성함
COMMENT: The period of peace shall last for fifty seven years.
X.99 Isaic Golden period of peace.
Isaic의 평화의 전성기.
La fin le loup, le lyon, boeuf et l'asne
Timide dama seront avec mastins
Plus ne charra a eux la douce manne
Plus vigilance et custode aux mastins
La fin: the end; loup: wolf; boeuf: ox; asne (ane): ass; dama: (latin) deer; mastin (matin): mastiff, large watchdog, (fig.) ugly brute; plus ne...: no more...; charra (cherra, cherir): to nurse, nourish; eux: them; douce: swwet,bland, soft; manne: manna ; vigilance: vigilance, wakefulness; custode: (latin = custos) guard, guardian, watch.
At the end, the wolf, the lion, the ox and the ass
끝에, 늑대, 사자, 황소, 나귀
Timid deer shall be with wild dogs
겁많은(내성적인) 사슴은 야생의 개들과 같이 있게 될 것이다
No more feeding them with bland manna
부드러운 신의 양식으로 더 이상 그들에게 먹이 줌이 없고
No more being wakened and on guard against mastiff
더 이상 깨우칠 필요없고 그리고 맹견(mastiff)에 대항하는 호위병이 없다
I.43 Upon the Heavenly pillar, the Commandments of the Lord shall be engraved.
하늘의 기둥 위에, 신의 명령이 새겨질 것이다.
Avant qu'avien le changement d'Empire
Il adviendra un cas bien merveilleux
Le champ mue. le pilier de Porphyre
Mis, translate sur le Rocher Noileux
Changement: change; adviendra (advenir): to occur; cas: case, event; merveilleux: marvellous, miraculous, supernatural; champ: field, open space; mue (mouvoir): to move, propel; pilier: pillar; Porphyre: porphyry, a rock consisting of felspar crystals embedded in a compact dark red or purple ground mass; mis: placed; translate: moved, rocher: rock, cliff; Noileux: anagram of loix-neu meaning new laws.
Before the change in the Empire
제국에서 변화 이전에
One extraordinary event shall take place
이상한 사건이 일어나리라
The open field shall quake
열린 장소는 흔들리고
On the pillar of Porphyry stone, The Divine New Laws shall be placed
예언의 비석의 한 기둥에, 신의 새로운 법(말씀)이 새겨질 것이다.
COMMENT: Before the period of peace or before World War III, the heavenly permanent Sign shall be given to mankind in the form of a sky-high pillar of beautiful stone on which the Commandments of the Lord are engraved. This Sign shall be with us till the End of the world according to the Marian apparitions in Garabandal of Spain.
VIII.97 New players in the world arena after the WW III.
제 3차 세계대전 이후에 세상의 투기장의 새로운 노름꾼.
Aux fine du var changer le pempotans
Pres du rivage, le trois beaux enfants naitre
Ruine au peuple par age competans
Regne au pays charger plus croistre
Fin: the end; var: mispelled of the English word "war"; pempotans: (not known); pres: near; rivage: beach, coast; beaux: beautiful, naitre: to be born; competans: competent, here well- developed or once-prosperous (countries); pays: nation, land, region; charger: to burden, load, charge; croistre: to grow, increase.
At the end of the war the pempotans shall change
전쟁 끝에 pempotan들은 바뀔 것이다
Near the coast, three beautiful infants shall be born
해변 가까이에, 3명의 아름다운 유아가 태어나고
Ruin to those people in competent age
충분한 나이에 그들을 위한 파멸
Reign in nation shall charge (tax) too much to grow
나라의 권력은 성장하기 위해 매우 많이 채워질 것이다.
COMMENT: Taxing shall be too burdensome to citizens. Ruins shall come to the developed countries. After the War, the world power or political arena shall change. Three countries near the coast shall emerge as powerful countries. These three might be France, Greece, and Egypt.
VIII.4 France shall become the world leader while US fades away.
프랑스는 미국이 사라진 동안 세계의 주도자가 된다.
Dedans Monech le Coq sera receu
Le Cardinal of France apparoistra
Par Logarion Romain sera deceu
Foiblesse a l'Aigle, et force au coq naitra
Monech: Monaco; Coq: cock or france; receu: received; apparoistre (apparaitre): to appear; Logarion: anagram of Dragon; deceu (decevoir): to deceive; faiblesse: weakness; force: power.
In Monaco the King of France shall be received
모나코에서 프랑스의 왕은 받게될 것이다
The French Cardinal shall become more visible
프랑스 추기경은 (더 많이 보일 것이다)더 많아질 것이다
By the ancient Dragon, the clergy shall be deceived
고대의 용으로 인해, 성직자는 기만(속임)당할 것이다
Weakness to US, power toward France
미국의 허약함으로 힘은 프랑스에게로
COMMENT: The King of France shall bring peace to the world. French cardinal shall become the holy pope during the period of peace. He will rebuild the Church and abolish all heretics. US shall lose the world super-power status to France. The whole world shall look toward France for leadership.
V.80 King of France chases away Islamic league. Christianity shall win over Islam.
프랑스의 왕은 회교도의 동맹을 쫓아낸다. 기독교는 이슬람교를 끌어들일 것이다.
L'Ogmion grand Bisance approchera
Chasses sera la Barbarique Ligue
Des deux loix l'une l'unique laschera
Barbare et France en perpetuelle brigue
Ogmion: Nostadamus used this title for King Henry or Pope John Paul II; Barbarique Ligue: Muslim league; loix: law; laschera (lacher): to loosen, liberate; brigue: conspiracy.
Great King of France shall approach Turkey
프랑스의 위대한 왕은 터키에 도달할 것이다.
Chase away the Muslim league
이슬람 동맹을 쫓아내고
Between two laws, one shall propagate the universal (Catholic)
두 법(칙) 사이에서, 사람들은 전세계에 (카톨릭교를)전파할 것이다
Muslims and France shall perpetually undermine one another
이슬람교도와 프랑스는 영구적으로 서로를 잠식할 것이다.
COMMENT: King Henry shall defeat Muslims. Christian Faith shall be evangelized over Islamic faith. France and Muslim nations shall be constantly engaged in conflicts or confrontation.
V.53 The Holy Spirit is at work. The Orient shall join the Church.
신성한 정신(영혼)이 나타난다. 동양은 교회에 합류한다.
La loi de Sol et Venus contendans
Apparopriant l'esprit de prophetie
Ne l'un ne l'autre ne seront entendans
Par Sol tiendra la loi du grand Messie
Loi: law; Sol: the Sun, (fig.) the Lord Jesus; Venus: goddess of sex, the Harlot, (fig.) the sinful world, the Babylon; contendans: contend, dispute; esprit: spirit; apparopriant: appear; prophetie: prophecy; ne l'un ne l'autre: neither one or another; entendu: competent, understood; tiendra: shall hold, possess; Messie: Messiah.
The law of Truth and Flesh shall contend
진실(영)과 육욕의 법이 강력히 주장될 것이다.
The Spirit shall inspire men prophesy
영혼은 인간에게 예언의 영감을 주고
Neither Truth nor Flesh shall be accepted universally
진실(영)이나 육욕 어떤 것도 전세계적으로 허용되지 않을 것이다.
Through the Orient, the Law of the Great Messiah shall hold
동양에 까지, 위대한 메시아의 법(말씀)을 받들 것이다.
COMMENT: Asian countries shall join the Church.
V.93 After the Marian Age, the Age of Mercy, the Chastisements shall come. Scotland and England shall become Catholic.
마리아의 시대 이후인, 자비의 시대에 응징이 올 것이다. 스코틀랜드와 영국은 카톨릭교를
믿게 될 것이다.
Sous le terroir de rond globe lunaire
Lors que sera dominateur Mercure
L'isle d'Escosse sera un luminaire
Qui les Anglois mettra a deconfiture
Sous: under; terroir: territory; rond: round; lunaire: lunary, here Marian; lorsque: when; dominateur: ruler; Mercure: Mercury, (fig.) God's chastisements; Escosse: Scotland; luminaire: light; Anglois: England; mettra (mettre): to place, put; deconfiture: moral defeat, failure.
After the Marian Age manifested throughout the whole globe
마리아의 시대 후에 모든 지구 곳곳에 (명백하게 되고)
The Chastisements from God shall rule
신으로부터의 응징이 지배하게 될 것이다
The Island of Scotland shall consecrate to the Virgin
스코틀랜드 섬은 동정녀 마리아께 바칠 것이며
Who shall put England to shame
스코틀랜드는 영국을 부끄럽게 할 것이다(?)
COMMENT: Scotland shall return to the Church first and then shall help England to join later.
VIII.96 Israeites the chosen ones shall join the Church.
선택된 (민족)이스라엘 사람들은 교회에 합류할 것이다.
La Synagogue sterile sans nul fruit
Sera receue entre les infideles
De Babylon la fille du persuit
Misere et triest lui trenchera les aisles
Sans: without; nul: non,nil; receu: received; entre: among; fille: daughter, girl; persuit: pursuited; misere: miserable; triest (triste): sad; lui: him, her; trenchera (trancher): to cut, sever; aisle (aile): wing.
Synagogue sterile without bearing fruits
열매를 맺지못함으로 인해 황폐화된 시나고그(유대 교회)는
Shall be received among the infidels
이교도 사이에서 받아들여지게 될 것이다
From the Great Babylon the harlot being pursuited
거대한 바빌론으로부터 매춘부는 추격당하게 된다
Miserable and sad her wings being cut off
불쌍하고 가엷은 그녀의 날개는 잘려 나간다.
COMMENT: During the period of peace, Jews shall convert to Christianity among others. Harlotry, the sin of flesh in the present world shall be curtailed or forbidden.
VIII.99 The Holy See shall move to another location.
신성한 교황은 또다른 장소로 이동할 것이다.
Par la puissance de trois Roys temporels
En autre lieu sera mis le Saint Siege
Ou la substance de l'esprit corporel
Sera remis et receu pour vrai siege
Puissance: power; temporel: temporal; autre: another; Saint Siege: Holy See; ou: where; esprit: spirit; remis (remettre): to put back, remit, reconcile; receu (recevoir): to receive, admit; vrai: true siege: seat, papacy.
Through the power of three temporal kings
3명의 임시적인 왕의 힘으로
In another place the Holy See shall be located
또다른 장소에서 교황은 자리잡게 된다.
Where the Substance of the corporal Spirit
(윗 문장에 부가)육체의 본체(실체)에,
Shall be remitted and received through the true papacy
진실한 교황을 통하여 영혼은 용서받게 되고 받아들여지게 된다.
COMMENT: The papacy shall be moved to another city as Rome was completely ruined and shall be supported and obeyed by three temporal kings, probably USA, England, and mostly France. The Church shall be renewed, shall be the truly Eucharistic Church once again.
VI.8 Scientific and humanistic knowledges shall be discouraged, spiritual learning encouraged.
과학적이고 인문(인본)주의적인 지식들은 용기를 잃게할 것이며, 영적인 배움은 용기를 가지게 할 것이다.
Ceux qui estoient en regne pour scavoir
Au Royal change deviendront appouvris
Uns exilez sans appui, or n'avoir
Lettres et lettres ne seront a grand pris
Ceux: those; estoient (etoiler): to shine as stars; scavoir (savoir): knowledge, learning; deviendront (devenir): to become; appauvrir: to impoverish, exhaust; pris (priser): highly esteemed, praised; exilez: exiled, banished; appui: support; or: gold; n'avoir: have not.
Those who are now renowned in the realm of knowledge
(지식의 범위)지식층에서 유명한 그들은
Shall become impoverished during change of the kingdom
왕국의 변화동안에 힘을 잃게 되리라.
One shall become banished without support or money
이들은 부양(지원)과 돈 없음으로 사라지게 될 것이다.
Volumes upon volumes shall no longer be esteemed
책위의 책은 더 이상 존경받지 못할 것이다.
COMMENT: The worldly knowledges such as humanistic, scientific learning, and the likes shall be disregarded and discouraged after the World War III by the new leaders of the Christian world which shall be led by the Christian King of France. Only moral and spiritual learning shall be encouraged.
IX.66 Changes during the period of peace.
평화의 기간동안의 교체.
Paix, union sera et changement
Estats, offices, bas haut et haut bien bas
Dresser voyage, le fruit premier, torment
Guerre cesser, civils proces, debats
Paix: peace; bas: low; haut: high; bien: very; dresser: to set up; voyage: here means missionary work or evangelization; premier: first; cesser: to cease; proces: civil lawsuit; debat: debate.
Peace and union shall come and changes
평화와 연합이 다가올 것이며 바뀔 것이다.
Estates, offices, low lifted high and high brought down very low
재산(지위), 임무(직책), 낮은 것은 높은 것으로 높은 것은 매우 낮은 곳으로
Set up evangelization, the first fruit, and torment
복음전도를 시작하고, 첫 번째 과일, 그리고 고통
War stops, civil lawsuit, and debates
전쟁은 멈추고, 시민 소송, 그리고 논쟁
COMMENT: After the World War, many social changes shall take place with many offices which are now considered esteemed shall be debased or abolished ( scientific, social, judicial activities to name a few). Missionary works shall be numerous with many shall join the Catholic Church and Christian Faith for the first time (first fruit). However, there shall be much hardship (torment) during this period of peace. Disputes shall be settled peacefully through the court of law instead of war.
VIII.100 Great hardship and lack of resources after the War.
전쟁 후의 엄청난 고난과 자원의 부족.
Pour l'abundance de l'arme respandue
Du haut en bas, par le bas au plus haut
Trop grande foi par jeu vie perdue
De soif mourir par abondant deffaut
Respandue: widely distributed; haut: high; bas: low; trop: too, too much; foi: faith; jeu: sport, play; par jeu: for fun; vie: life; perdue: lost, ruined, wasted; soif: thirst; mourrir: to die; defaut: want, default, need.
Through the abundance of the armies widely distributed
많은(?풍요한) 군대들이 넓게 분포됨을 통하여
High shall be brought low, and low raised up high
높음은 낮음으로, 그리고 낮음은 높음으로
Too great the faith, for fun life shall be be ruined
너무나도 큰 신념(믿음), 즐거운 인생을 위해 몰락할 것이다.
Die due to thirst, due to the abundance of needs
갈증으로 인해 죽어가며, 많은 필요들로 인해 죽어간다.
COMMENT: After the World War III, heavy burdens of carrying large arm forces and the devastation of war shall present great deal of hardship compounded with the natural disasters such as drought and plagues. Social values and structure of society shall be turned upside down for the better with more emphasis on moral, spiritual education, simpler life styles and so on. Life shall be rougher but Faith shall be very strong.
IV.21 More about the period of peace.
평화의 기간에 대하여 조금 더 언급하자면.
Le changement sera fort difficile
Cite province au change gain sera
Coeur haut, prudent mis, chasse lui habile
Mer, terre, peuple, son estat changera
Fort: very strong; gain: gain ,success; coeur: heart; chasse (chaser): to chase away; lui: him, to him; habile: clever, cunning.
The change shall be very difficult
변화는 매우 어렵게 되어질 것이다.
City and province shall gain due to change
도시와 지방은 변화로 인하여 얻게될 것이다
Haughty heart, prudent placed, chase away the cunning ones
오만한 마음, 신중한 자리잡힘, 교활한 사람들을 쫓아버린다
Sea, land, people, estate (social status) shall change
바다, 땅, 사람, 신분(사회적인 상태)는 바뀔 것이다.
III.97 The Middle East shall become the occupied land.
중동은 땅을 빼앗기게 될 것이다.
Nouvelle loi terre neuve occuper
Vers la Syrie, Judee et Palestine
Le grand Empire Barbare corruer
Avant que Phebe son siecle determine
Nouvelle: new; loi: law; neuve: new; vers: towards, around; corruer (latin = corruo): to fall; avant: before; Phebes (Phoebe): Diana or lune, sister of Phoebus, the sun, here indicating Blessed Mary.
A new law shall occupy the new land
새로운 법은 새로운 땅을 차지하게 될 것이다
Toward Syria, Judea and Palestine
Syria, Judea, Palestine쪽으로
The Great Barbarian (Muslim) Empire shall collapse
거대한 바빌론인들(이슬람교도)의 제국은 무너진다
Before the cycle of the Moon determined
달의 주기가 결정되기 이전에(한달 내에?)
COMMENT: Middle East shall become the occupied territory, controlled by the Western countries. Muslim force shall be defeated before the Marian era is over.
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노스트라다무스 예언서 5장 - PART I: The victory, the crown, and the title Victor(?) bestowed upon the King of France. (1) | 2010.07.22 |
노스트라다무스 예언서 4장 - 20세기의 교황에 대한 예언 (1) | 2010.07.22 |
노스트라다무스 예언서 3장 - PART III: The Divine Providence. (1) | 2010.07.22 |
노스트라다무스 예언서 3장 - PART II: The purification of Divine winepress, Christian persecution during the World War III. (0) | 2010.07.22 |
노스트라다무스 예언서 3장 - PART I: The abandoned vineyard, the present state of the Church. (0) | 2010.07.22 |