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노스트라다무스 예언서
PART I: The abandoned vineyard, the present state of the Church.
버림받은 포도원, 교회의 현재 상태
III.65 The murder of Pope John Paul I.
John Paul(존 파울) Ⅰ세 교황의 살인.
Quand le sepulchre du grand Romain trouve
Le jour apres sera eleu pontife
Du senat gueres it ne sera prouve
Empoisonne son sang au sacre scyphe
Trouve (trouver): to discover, find; eleu: elected; senat: senate; guerre: war; il: he, it, there; prouve (prouver): to prove; empoisonne (empoissoner): to poison; sacre: sacred; scyphe (syphon): syphon, drain trap.
When the tomb of a great Roman discovered
위대한 로마의 왕의 무덤이 발견되면
The day after the pontif shall be elected
하루 뒤에 교황이 뽑힐 것이다.
Due to war with the senate, it shall never be proved
원로원의 싸움(전쟁)으로 인하여, 그것은 절대로 판명되지 않을 것이다
That he was poisoned and his blood in the sacred drain trap
그것 : 그는 중독되었고 신성한 그의 피는 입(덫,음모)으로 흘러내린다.
COMMENT: After the tomb of Saint Peter was discovered, Pope Paul I was elected and murdered with poison. Another quatrain in the next chapter also indicates that both John Paul's will eventually be martyred.
II.30 The New Mass of many languages, the antichrist.
많은 언어들의 새로운 모임, 적그리스도
Un qui les dieux d'Annibal infernaux
Fera renaistre, effrayeur des humains
Oncq plus d'horreur ne plus dire journaux
Qu' advint viendra par Babel aux Romains
Dieu: God; Annibal: ancient King Annibal who once terrorized Rome, the new "resurrected" Annibal kings of Eastern alliance also terrorize the modern Rome or the Church; infernaux: infernal, devilish; renaitre: to be born; revive; effrayeur: to terrify; oncq: ever, never; dire: to say, speak; journal: journal, paper; advint (advenir): to happen; viendra: shall come; Babel: here means the Mass of many languages; Romain: here means clergy or Catholics.
One whom the infernal gods of Annibal
Annibal(로마를 두려움애 떨게 했던 고대의 왕)의 지옥의 신들 하나가
Shall be reborn to terrorize mankind
인류를 공포의 도가니로 몰아넣기 위해 태어나리라
Never greater horror have been reported
일찍이 거대한 공포가 보고되리라
One shall come due to the Babel Mass given to the clergy
누군가 바벨의 덩어리를 성직자에게 주려고 올 것이다.
COMMENT: The Eastern or Muslim alliance shall be the modern Annibal who shall invade and destroy Rome and persecute Christians in Europe. The brutal invaders shall come as the direct consequence of the irreverence to the Holy Mass or Holy Eucharist and due to the abandonment of the Church's Teaching and Tradition. This quatrain amazingly describes accurately the wrongful implementation of Vatican II begining with the introduction of the New Mass and modern liturgical reforms which border with heretics.
II.13 The walking dead, death shall replace birth.
죽음이 걸어다님(죽은자가 살아나며), 죽음이 탄생을 대신하리라.
Le corps sans ame plus n'etre en sacrifice
Jour de la mort mis en nativite
L'esprit divin fera l'ame felice
Voyant le verbe en son eternite
Corps: body, dead corp; ame: soul; felice (felicite): happiness, joy; voyant (voir): shall see; verbe (Verbe): the Word of God.
The walking dead without soul shall no longer enter into the Holy Sacrifice
영혼이 없이 죽은자가 살아남(죽음의 걸어다님)은
더 이상 신성한 희생으로 들어가지 못할 것이다
The day of death shall replace the day of birth
죽음의 날은 탄생의 날을 대신하리라
The Holy Spirit shall comfort a soul
신성한 정신은 영혼을 편안하게 할 것이다
Who shall see the Word in his eternity
그의 영세에서 복음을 보게 될 것이다
COMMENT: The evil generation shall no longer receive the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Many shall still attend Mass but with much disrespect, indifference, or blasphemy. Death shall replace birth when the culture of death (abortion and violence) become acceptable. For the true believers, God is still with him.
IV.25 Men become walking dead with less desire for prayer.
사람들은 기도에 대한 적은 욕구로 죽음으로 걷게 되리라.
Corps sublimes sans fin a l'oeil visibles
Obnubiler viendra par ses raisons
Corps, front compris, sense, chef et invisibles
Dimineant les sacrees oraisons
Corps: body, substance; sans: without; fin : the end; l'oeil: eye; obnubiler: to obscure; ses: (plural) his, her; raison: reason; front: forehead, head; compris (comprendre): enclosed; dimineant: shall diminish; sacree: sacred; oraison: prayer.
Eternal Sublime Substance once visible to naked eyes
영원은 한 번 나안으로 볼 수 있음으로 물질을 고상하게 하고
Shall be made obscure due to rationalism
(종교적)이성주의를 인하여 흐리게 되리라
Walking dead, enclosed mind, blind judment, invisible heads (chief)
죽은자의 걸어다님(영생?), 마음의 닫음, 심판을 알아보지 못함, 보이지 않는 지도자
Shall diminish the sacred prayer
신성한 기도하는 사람들이 줄어들게 될 것이다.
COMMENT: Prayers shall be diminished while men become walking dead.
기도하는 사람은 인간이 죽음의 걸음이 있는 동안(?) 줄어들 것이다.
II.12 Blindness of legal system, Apostasy from the clergy.
법률 체계의 맹목, 성직자로부터의 변절(배신)
Yeux clos ouverts d'antique fantasie
L'habit des seules seront mis a neant
Le grand monarque chastira leur frenaisie
Ravir des temples le thresor par devant
Yeux: (plural of oeil) eyes; clos: closed; ouvert: opened; fantasie (fantiasie): fancy, imagination; habit: religious habit; seule: single, here celibate; neant: nothing; chastira (chatier): to chastise, punish; frenaisie (frenesie): madness, frenzy; ravir: to carry off, rob of; thresor (tresor): treasure; devant: before, ahead.
Eyes closed now opened because of the antique temptation
고대의 유혹 때문에 닫혔던 눈이 이젠 열리게 된다
The celibate shall abandon their habits
독신주의자는 그들의 습관(기질)을 버리게 될 것이며
The great king shall chastise them for their frenzy blindness
위대한 왕은 그들의 광포(광란)의 맹목(무분별)로 그들을 비난할 것이다
After they have ravished the Church's properties
후에 그들은 교회의 재산을 강탈할 것이다
COMMENT: Eyes closed figuratively indicate a just justice. Eyes now opened means a distorted legal system. There shall be no longer a legal justice due to greed, bias, artificial technicality, and human blindness. The religious shall be chastised for their abandonment of the Church's Teaching and Tradition, and for misleading their fold. Sadly today the religious refuse to wear their habits which signify the highest distinction and also the vow and commitment to their Creator.
II.8 The Church becomes humanistic or neo-paganistic while abandoning the Sacred Doctrines& Traditions.
신성한 교의와 성전을 피하는 동안
그리스도교도들은 인도주의적으로 되거나 신(부흥)이교(異敎)주의가 될 것이다.
Temples sacrez prime facon Romaine
Reietteront les goffes fondemens
Prenant leurs loix premieres et humaines
Chassant, non tout, des saints les cultemens
Sacrez: sacred, consecrated; prime: primitive, early; facon: fashion; reitteront (rietirer): to reiterate, repeat; goffe (gofle): consumed (with pride); fondemens (fondement): foundation ; prenant: fascinating; loix: laws; premiere: first; chassant: shall chase, follow; tout: all cultemens (culte): religious practice.
Temples shall be consecrated to the early Roman rituals
교회는 초기의 로마의 의식들로 봉헌하리라(신성하게 하리라)
Shall reiterate the hollow foundation
무의미한 창설을 되풀이하리라
Using laws based on natural human instincts
선천적인 인간의 본능에 기초한 법의 사용
Shall follow in parts, not all, the saintly traditions
나누어서, 모두가 아닌, 성도다운 성전을 추구할 것이다
COMMENT: The Church shall become neo-paganistic due to the abandonment of the Holy Teaching and Tradition. Religious practices shall be based on modernistic humanism and animal instincts. The Teaching of the Church by her Magisterium shall be accepted only in parts, not as the whole. Catholics are now labeled "cafeteria" Catholics.
VI.10 Ecumeism in the West, Paganism in the East, Natural disasters abounded.
서방에 세계 교회주의, 동방에 무종교주의, 자연 재해가 많이 있게 된다.
Un peu de temps les temples de coleurs
De blanc et noir les deux entremeslee
Rouges et jaunes leur embleront les leurs
Sang, terre, peste, faim. feu, d'eau affolee
Peu: a little while; temps: time; blanc: white; noir: black; entremeler: to mix, mingle;; rouge: red, here communist; jaune: yellow, here Chinese; , les leurs: their own; embleront: shall embrace; peste: plague; faim: famine; feu: fire; eau: water; affolce: terrified, panic-stricken.
For short time, temples of many colors erected
짧은 시간에, 많은 색깔의 교회들이 생겨나게 된다
People shall not distinguish black and white
사람들은 흑과 백을 구분하지 않게 되며
Red and yellow embrace their own kinds
빨강과 노랑은 그들의 고유한 종류로 받아들인다
Blood, land, plague, famine, fire, panic-stricken by flood
피, 땅, 전염병, 기근, 화재, 홍수로 인한 당황
COMMENT: The false ecumanical movement of the presence shall mingle many religious sects without possessing the Truth or True Faith. It is the disguise to secularize the Church.
VII.7 Apocalyptical horsemen advance while heretical shepherds lead
their sheep to the dungeon.
세계종말의 기수(승마자)는 이교의 양치기가 그들의 양을 지하 감옥으로 안내하는
동안에 전진할 것이다.
Sur le combat des grands chevaus legers
On criera le grand croissant confond
De nuit tuer moutons, habits de bergers
Abisme rouges dans le fosse profond
Chevau (chevaux): horse, horse-rider; leger: light, swift; crier: to cry; croissant: Muslims; confond (confondre): to confound, to bring to confusion; nuit: night; tuer: to kill, slaughter; mouton: sheep; berger: shepherd; abismes: abyss; rouge: red; fosse: pit; profond: deep .
Upon the combat against the great apocalyptical horsemen
거대한 계시(록)의 기수(승마자)에 대항하는 전쟁에서
One shall cry in confusion while great Muslim invaders advance
누군가 거대한 이슬람교도 침입자들이 전진하는 동안 혼돈 속에 울부짓을 것이다.
In darkness of the night, sheep shall be slaughtered
by heretical clergy disguised in habits of shepherds
밤의 어둠 속에서, 양(羊)은 양치기(의 습관[모습?]으)로 변장한 이교도 성직자로
인해 도살당할 것이다.
The flaming abyss in the deep dungeon awaits many
깊숙한 지하 감옥의 불타는 심연(지옥)에서 많은 것들이 기다리고 있다.
COMMENT: (Too sad for me to make any comment.)
III.92 The Apocalypse or the end times.
계시;묵시 또는 종말의 시간
Le monde proche du dernier periode
Saturn encor tard sera de retour
Translat empier devers nation Brodde
L'oeil arrache a Narbon par autour
Monde: world; proche: near; dernier: last, latest; dernier periode: the end times; Saturn: (fig.) the Lord; encor: again; tard: late; retour: coming back, return; translat: to turn into; empier: empire; devers: on the side of, toward; Brodde: rodden; oeil: eye; arrache (arracher): to pull out; Narbon: Narbonne, city of S. France, near the Mediterranean Sea; autour: hawk.
The world near the last period
종말에(마지막 기간에) 가까워진 세상
The Lord again shall be late in return
신은 다시 되돌아옴에 늦어 버린다
The Roman empire shall translate into a rodden nation
로마 제국은 권력의 나라로 바뀔 것이다(?)
Eyes shall be picked out in Narbonne by the hawk
눈은 Narbonne에서 매에게 쪼임을 당할 것이다.
COMMENT: The end times are not the End of the world, therefore, the Second Coming of the Lord shall not yet take place. During this last period of human history, the Church or the Christian Roman Empire shall be deteriorating. Narbonne or coastal France shall be attacked by hostile forces.