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노스트라다무스 예언서
PART V: The World War III at the end.
제3차 세계대전이 끝날 때...
III.93 USA, France, and England shall form a new alliance.
미국, 프랑스, 그리고 영국은 새로운 동맹을 형성한다.
Dans Avignon tout le chef de l'Empire
Fera appreste, pour paris desole
Tricast tiendra l'Annbalique ire
Lion par change sera mal console
Appreste (appreter): to get ready, to prepare; desole: desolate; Tricast: three-country alliance including France, England, and USA; tenir: to grip, restrain; ire: anger, wrath; lion: (fig.) England; mal: bad, ill; console: consoled.
In Avignon the head of all Empire
모든 제국의 머리인 아비뇽에서
Shall prepare as Paris desolated
파리를 황폐화시키기 위한 준비를 할 것이다.
Three-country Alliance shall restrain Annibalic wrath
3국의 동맹은 Annibalic 분노를 제지하려(말리려) 할 것이다.
England due to change shall not be consoled
영국은 변화(바뀜)으로 인해 위로하지 않을 것이다.
COMMENT: French King shall be the leader of the Western Alliance which shall halt the Eastern aggression. The capital of France shall be moved to Avignon as Paris is totally desolated.
V.14 At the end of the European War...
유럽 전쟁의 끝...
Saturn et Mars en Leo Espagne captive
Par chef Libique au conflit attrape
Proche de Malte, heredde Prince vive
Et Romain scepter sera par coq frappe
Saturn: (fig.) the Lord, the Day of the Lord; Mars: (fig.) war; Leo: (fig.) the pope; Espagne: Spain; Libique: Lybian; attrape (attraper): to trap, to catch; proche: near; vive (vivre): to live; vive: long live!; heredde (hereditaire): heralded; frappe (frapper): to strike, tap; coq: cock or France.
Saturn and Mars in Leo, Spain captive
사자자리의 토성과 화성, 스페인 포로
Lybian chief in the battle shall be caught
전쟁에서 Lybian 지도자는 잡히게 될 것이며
Near Malta, the heralded Prince (Henry) shall be cheered
몰타섬 가까이, 포고한 왕자(헨리)는 갈채받게 될 것이다.
And Roman Scepter shall be struck by a Frenchman
그리고 로마 왕권은 프랑스인에 의해 공격 당할 것이다(맞을 것이다).
COMMENT: The pope shall be killed near the end of the War. Spain shall surrender. Lybian leader shall be captured. King Henry of France shall be heralded in Malta. The newly elected French Pope shall anoint him as the Roman Emperor of the world, the Charlemagne of our modern time.
III.77 The End of Iranian leadership, the End of the World War.
이란의 지휘력의 끝, 세계 전쟁의 끝.
Le tiers climat sous Aries comprins
L'ans mil sept cens vingt et sept en Octobre
Le Roy de Perse par ceux d'Egypte prins
Conflit, mort, perte, a la croix grand opprobre
Tiers: a third; sous: under; comprins (comprendre): to include, comprise; an: year; mil: thousand; sept: seven; cens: hundred; vingt: twenty; prins: captured; mort: death; perte: perdition; loss; croix: cross, opprobre: shame, disgrace, opprobrium.
The third climate under Aries realized
양자리가 깨닫게 해주는 세 번째 기후
The year one thousand seven hundred twenty and seven in October
10월의 일천 칠백 이십 칠의 해(1727: AD의 연도 구획이 아님 + 325)
The King of Iran by those of Egypt shall be captured
이란의 왕은 이집트의 그들(?)에 의해 잡히게 되고
Conflict, death, perdition, great shame for the cross
충돌, 죽음, 파멸(영원한 죽음), 십자가에 대한 큰 수치심
COMMENT: Nostradamus often used the year of 325 AD ( the Ecumenical Council of Nicea) as the liturgical reference for a significant event, symbolizing the Divine Design upon that event. Thus here the year of 1700 is actually 1700 + 325 or 2025AD. Therefore, the above-mentioned quatrain cna be understood as follows:
One third of the battles still remains
3분의 1의 전투가 여전히 남아 있다.
On October 27th of 2025 AD
2025년 10월 27일
Iranian leader shall be captured in Egypt
이란의 지도자는 이집트에 잡히게 된다.
Conflict, death, pertition, and great opprobrium to the Church.
충돌, 죽음, 파멸, 그리고 거대한 교회에게로의 치욕
The remaining third of the worldwide conflict might be mainly between Russia, China, Japan, and USA in Asia.
IV.22 The defeat of the Eastern forces.
동방의 군대의 패배
La grand copie que sera dechassee
Dans un moment fera besoin au Roy
La foy promise de loing sera faussee
Nud se verra en piteux desarroy
Copie: army; dechasse (dechausee): barefooted; besoin: need, want; foi: law, faith; fausser: to falsify, pervert, distort; verra (voir): to see; piteux: pitiful; desarroy (desarroi): confusion, disorder.
The great army shall be uprooted
거대한 군대는 절멸할 것이다(뿌리채 뽑힐 것이다).
In a moment shall be in need of a king
잠깐 동안 왕의 필요가 있을 것이다.
The faith and promise before shall be perverted
이전의 신뢰와 약속은 오해되어질 것이며
Naked, himself shall be seen in pitiful disarray
벗겨진, 그 자신은 비참한 난잡함 속에 보여질 것이다.
IX.62 The battle of Armageddon.
아마겟돈의 전투
Au grand de Cheramonagora
Seront croisez par rangs tous attachez
Le Pertinax Oppi et Mandragora
Raugon d'Octobre le tiers seront laschez
Cheramonagora: anagram of Armageddon or Harmageddon (Greek), the final battle mentioned in Rev 16:14-16; croisez (croiser): to cross, to join a crusade; rang: row, range, rank; attachez (attacher): to attach, fasten; Pertinax: (latin) unyielding, pertinacious, determined; oppi: (latin = copie) army; Mandragora: man-dragon, the troop of the ancient serpent or dragon, probably Chinese; raugon: dragon; Octobre le tiers: the third of October; laschez (lacher): loosen.
At the great battle of Armageddon
거대한 아마겟돈의 전투에
Shall join the crusade through rows totally attached
전적으로(모두) 줄지어 십자군에 합류할 것이며
The pertinacious army of God against the army of the evil Serpent
악의 군대에 대항하여 끈기있는 신의 군대가
The Dragon shall be loosened on October third
용은 10월 3일에 풀려지게 될 것이다.
COMMENT: Man-dragon might indicate Chinese troops. The battle begin on October third and from Quatrain III.77, Iranian leader shall be captured on October 7th 2025 indicating that this great decisive battle might be between Western allies and Muslim alliance. Also Armageddon might be the battle between Western and Chinese troops as the latter shall decide to engage in war at the end of the conflict while all parties are almost exhausted. And the national symbol of China has always been the Red Dragon.
I.49 Chinese shall attack Russia in 2025.
중국은 2025년에 러시아를 공격한다.
Beaucoup, beaucoup avant telles menees
Ceux d'Orient par la vertu Lunaire
L'An mil sept cens feront grands emmenees
Subjugant presque le coin Aquilonaire
Avant: before; telles: such, similar; menees: intriges, machinations; vertu: varlor, moral courage; emmenee (emmener): to take away or out, to lead (military) adavance; subjugant (subjuguer): to subjugate, subdue, overcome; presque: almost, nearly; coin: corner, angle; Aquilonaire: northern.
But long, long before such a machination ( the end of the world)
그러나 긴, 그러한 음모 이전에 길게
Those of Orient through the Lunar moral courage
달의 도덕적 용기를 통하여 동양의 그들은
On the year of 1700 shall embark great advance
1700의 해에 큰 전진을 착수하게 되며
Shall subdue most Northern corner
먼 북쪽의 구석까지 정복하게 될 것이다.
COMMENT: This is the continuation of Quatrain II.48. Orient is China and Lunar here again means Muslim or Eastern countries. Nostradamus often used 325AD ( Nicean Council ) as the liturgical reference. Thus 1700 actually meant 2025AD. Northern here means Russia. In the year of 2025, due to the moral collapse and military exhaustion of Russian troops, China shall launch their offences across the northern border and shall occupy almost all Russia. Their occupation shall be bloody and brutal.
IV.80 The great dam and flood in China.
중국에서의 거대한 장애와(댐과) 홍수
Pres du grand fleuve grand fosse terre egeste
En quinze part sera l'eau divisee
La cite prise, feu, sang cris, conflit mettre
Et la plus part concerne au collisee
Pres: near; fleuve: river; fosse: pit, trench, dungeon; egeste: (latin = egestu or creuser in French) to dig, excavate; quinze: fifteen; pris: taken; cris: cries; mettre: place, put; collisee: (latin = collisio) knock, shock, collision.
Near the great river, a great pit land excavated
거대한 강 가까이, 거대한 분지(?)에 구멍을 파이게 되며
In fifteen parts water shall be divided
15부분으로 물이 나누어져
City taken, fire, blood, cry, conflict
도시를 삼키고, 화재, 피, 울음, 충돌
For the most part, major concern is with collisions
많은 부분을 위해, 주요한 관심은 충돌과 있을 것이다.
COMMENT: About 1995, China carried out a major irrigation project along the great river in southern China. All the dams along this river shall be broken due to the damage done by the war between China against Russia, US, and Japan. The flood shall bury millions of people who live in literally underneath the river.
IV.97 A Spanish pope at the end of the War.
전쟁 끝의 스페인 교황
L'an que Mercure, Mars, Venus retrograde
Du grand Monarque la ligne ne faillir
Eleu du peuple Lusitant pres de Pactole
Que paix et regne viendra fort envillir
An: year; Mercure: Mercury, (fig.) God's Justice or Punishment; Mars: war; Venus: sin of flesh, harlotry; retrograde: regress, receding; ligne: line, heritage; faillir: to fail, fall short; eleu: elected; Lusitant: Lusitania or ancient Portugal, Spanish; Pactole: Pactolus, the river flowing into ancient Lydia of Minor Asia, modern Gediz of Turkey; que: whom; paix: peace; envillir (en vie, reveiller): to revive, renew the Faith.
One year before chastisements, wars, harlotry receding
응징, 전쟁, 매춘부가 물러가기 일년 전에
From the papacy, the successive alignment shall not fall short
교황의 지위(임기)로부터, 연속하는 정렬이 짧게 떨어지지 않을 것이다.
Elected by Spanish people, one near Pactol River
스페인 사람들로 인해 뽑혀진, Pactol강 가까운 곳 어딘가
Through him peace and reign shall be renewed vigorously
그를 통하여 평화와 통치권은 원기왕성하게 다시 새롭게 되어질 것이다
COMMENT: The Lord shall grant us a good pope probably a Spanish and orthodoxical one before the war ends.
VIII.77 After the World War, one third shall perish.
세계대전 후에 3분의 1이 죽을 것이다.
L'antechrist trois bien trois annichilez
Vingt et sept ans sang durera sa guerre
Les heretiques morts, catifs exilez
Sang corps humain eu rouge greler terre
Trois: three, third; annichilez (annhiler): to annihilate; vingt et sept: twenty and seven; durera (durer): to last, endure; rouge: red; greler: to hail upon.
The antichrist by strong three shall annihilate a third
강한 셋으로 적그리스도는 3분의 1을 전멸시킬 것이다.
Twenty seven years of blood endure the war
피의 27년, 전쟁을 참아낸
The heretics dead, prisoners exiled
이교도는 죽고, 죄수는 유배되며
Blood, dead body soak land with red
피, 붉은 색으로 죽은 몸으로 젖은 땅
COMMENT: Three powerful and prosperous ones belonging to the antichrist are Western (NATO), Eastern (Muslims &Russia), and China.They shall be used to carry out God's Chastisements resulting in the loss of one third of the world population. The worldwide war which occurs mainly in Europe, northern Africa, and northern part of Asia shall last for about twenty seven years from 1999 - 2027.