올드코난 (Old Conan)이 재해석하는 현대판 이솝우화 (Aesop's Fables, Aesopica) => 원 저작자: Aesop; 참고 번역본 저자: 조지 파일러 타운센드(George Fyler Townsend, 1814-1900) 외 / 현재 알려진 이솝우화들을 현대적으로 해석해 소개해 드리겠습니다.
올드코난의 이솝우화 제 67화 농부와 뱀 (Perry 51. The Farmer and the Snake) * The Laborer and the Snake: 일꾼과 독사
어느 시골에 농부의 아들이 독사에 물려 죽고 말았다.
슬픔과 분노가 치민 농부는 독사를 죽이기로 결심한다.
농부는 독사가 숨어 살던 구멍을 찾아냈고 독사가 나오기를 기다렸다.
독사가 구멍 밖으로 나오는 것을 본 농부는 잽싸게 도끼를 내리쳤다.
하지만, 도끼는 독사의 머리 대신 꼬리만을 자르고 말았다.
그리고 독사는 재빨리 도주해 버렸다.
농부는 차츰 두려워졌다. 혹시 독사가 보복을 하면 어쩌나 하는 걱정을 하던 농부는 먹을 것을 싸들고 독사가 있는 구멍으로 찾아가 화해하자고 말한다.
그러자 독사는 이렇게 말했다.
“다 부질없다. 나는 당신을 볼때마다 잘려나간 꼬리를 기억할 것이고, 당신은 나를 볼때마나 내가 아들을 죽였다는 사실을 떠 올릴 것이다.”
마음의 상처는 쉽게 아물지 않는다.
[올드코난 한마디]
이 이야기는 화해를 해야 하지만, 할 수 없는 현실적인 문제에 대한 답이라고 할 것이다. 한국과 일본의 과거사 문제와, 한국의 독재추종자와 민주세력간의 간격은 좁히기 힘든 것이다.
세상 모든 일에는 그 원인이 있다.
한일 문제는 가해자인 일본이 먼저 사과와 책임지는 자세를 보여야 해답이 보이는 것이고, 한국의 독재추종자들(극우 보수)은 자신들이 지지하는 이승만 혹은 전두환, 박정희의 죄를 인정하고 피해자와 유족들에게 사죄를 먼저해야 한다. 가해자인 일본과 극우보수들이 자신의 잘못은 인정하지 않고 용서만을 구하는 것이 과연 옳은 것인가. 진심으로 반성하고 사죄하기를 바란다.
[영어 문장]
Perry 51. The Farmer and the Snake
A Man’s Son stepped on a Snake who bit and killed him. The Man cut the tail off the Snake which then went after the Man’s Cattle. No truce could be had.
Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten.
1. Townsend version (The Laborer and The Snake)
A snake, having made his hole close to the porch of a cottage, inflicted a mortal bite on the Cottager’s infant son. Grieving over his loss, the Father resolved to kill the Snake. The next day, when it came out of its hole for food, he took up his axe, but by swinging too hastily, missed its head and cut off only the end of its tail. After some time the Cottager, afraid that the Snake would bite him also, endeavored to make peace, and placed some bread and salt in the hole. The Snake, slightly hissing, said: “There can henceforth be no peace between us; for whenever I see you I shall remember the loss of my tail, and whenever you see me you will be thinking of the death of your son.”
Moral: No one truly forgets injuries in the presence of him who caused the injury.
2. Eliot/Jacobs Version
A Countryman’s son accidently trod upon a Snake’s tail. The Snake turned and bit him and the son died. The father, in a rage, got his axe, and pursuing the Snake, cut off part of its tail. The Snake, in revenge, began killing the Farmer’s cattle. The Farmer thought it best to make it up with the Snake, and brought food and honey to the mouth of its lair, and said to it: “Let’s forget and forgive; perhaps you were right to punish my son, and take vengeance on my cattle, but surely I was right in trying to revenge him; now that we are both satisfied why should not we be friends again?” “No, no,” said the Snake; “take away your gifts; you can never forget the death of your son, nor I the loss of my tail.”
3. JBR Collection
The Child of a Cottager was at play in a field at the back of his Father’s house, and by chance trod upon a Snake, which turned round and bit him. The Child died of the bite, and the Father, pursuing the Snake, aimed a blow at him, and cut off a piece of his tail. The Snake gained his hole, and the next day the Man came and laid at the mouth of the hole some honey, meal, and salt, and made offers of peace, thinking to entice the Snake forth and kill him. “It won’t do,” hissed out the Snake.” As long as I miss my tail, and you your Child, there can be no good-will between us.”
4. L’Estrange version
There was a snake that bedded himself under the threshold of a country-house: a child of the family happen’d to set his foot upon’t; the snake bit him, and he di’d on’t. The father of the child made a blow at the snake, but miss’d his aim, and only left a mark behind him upon the stone where he struck. The countryman offered the snake, some time after this, to be friends again. No, says the snake, so long as you have this flaw upon the stone in your eye, and the death of the child in your thought, there’s no trusting of ye.
Moral: In matter of friendship and trust, we can never be too tender; out yet there’s a great difference betwixt charity and facility. We may hope well in many cases, but let it be without venturing neck, and all upon’t, for new converts are slippery.
5. Serpens et Filius Rustici
Dicitur quod serpens punxit filium rustici, cingendo, et mortuus est. Venit ergo rusticus et, filium mortuum videns, accepit baculum ut serpentem occideret. Et, cum serpens intraret foramen, percussit eum et abscidit ei caudam. Postea dixit rusticus, “Quod factum est, factum est et factum sit; remitto tibi mortem filii mei. Veni ergo; faciamus pacem.” Respondit serpens, “Donec tu sepulturam filii tui et ego caudam amissam videmus, tunc pacem habere non poterimus.”
Moral: Ita illi, qui patiuntur malum ab aliquo vel faciunt, alter in altero confidere non possunt.
글 작성/편집 올드코난 (Old Conan)
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