올드코난 (Old Conan)이 재해석하는 현대판 이솝우화 (Aesop's Fables, Aesopica) => 원 저작자: Aesop; 참고 번역본 저자: 조지 파일러 타운센드(George Fyler Townsend, 1814-1900) 외 / 현재 알려진 이솝우화들을 현대적으로 해석해 소개해 드리겠습니다.
올드코난의 이솝우화 마흔 네번째 이야기 제44화 표범과 여우 (Perry 12. Perry 12. The Fox and The Leopard)
표범 한 마리와 여우 한 마리가 자기들 중 누가 더 뛰어난지 자랑을 하고 있었다. 표범은 자신의 얼룩무늬 털로 아름답게 덮힌 자신의 가죽을 보여주면서 주변의 많은 동물들에게 자랑을 했고, 동물들은 표범에게 정말 아름답다고 찬사를 보냈다. 하지만 여우는 비아냥대며 이렇게 말했다.
“너의 아름다운 가죽보다 더 좋은 마음가짐을 가져야 하지 않을까! (마음이 이뻐야지)”
[올드코난 한마디]
겉으로 드러나는 아름다움 보다는 마음이 고와야 한다는 교훈이 담긴 이야기이다. 하지만 현실은 결국 아름다움에 현혹되는 것이 남자인지라 이 교훈은 쉬워 보이지만 사실 매우 어려운 것이다. 못생기고 착한 여자 보다 이쁘고 나쁜 여자 혹은 나쁜 남자에게 마음이 가는 것이 바로 인간인 것이다.
이 이야기는 아름다움에 현혹되는 인간의 본성외에도 겉으로 사람을 판단하지 말라는 뜻이 더 강하다. 단순히 아름다움만을 이야기 한 것이 아니라, 겉으로는 친절해 보이고 선해 보이지만, 알고보니 타인에게 해를 끼치는 인물들을 조심하라는 교훈인 것이다.
[영어 원문]
The Leopard and the Fox
A leopard was bragging about the beauty of his spots when a fox came up saying how much more beautiful his mind was. Neither liar really won.
Liars and boasters will undo themselves.
1. Aesop For Children
A Fox and a Leopard, resting lazily after a generous dinner, amused themselves by disputing about their good looks. The Leopard was very proud of his glossy, spotted coat and made disdainful remarks about the Fox, whose appearance he declared was quite ordinary.
The Fox prided himself on his fine bushy tail with its tip of white, but he was wise enough to see that he could not rival the Leopard in looks. Still he kept up a flow of sarcastic talk, just to exercise his wits and to have the fun of disputing. The Leopard was about to lose his temper when the Fox got up, yawning lazily.
“You may have a very smart coat,” he said, “but you would be a great deal better off if you had a little more smartness inside your head and less on your ribs, the way I am. That’s what I call real beauty.”
Moral: A fine coat is not always an indication of an attractive mind.
2. Townsend version
The fox and the Leopard disputed which was the more beautiful of the two. The Leopard exhibited one by one the various spots which decorated his skin. But the Fox, interrupting him, said, “And how much more beautiful than you am I, who am decorated, not in body, but in mind.”
3. JBR Collection
The Leopard one day, in the hearing of the Fox, was very loud in the praise of his own beautifully spotted skin. The Fox thereupon told him that, handsome as he might be, he considered that he himself was yet a great deal handsomer. “Your beauty is of the body,” said the Fox; “mine is of the mind.”
4. L’Estrange version (A Fox and A Crocodile)
There happen’d a contest betwixt a fox and a crocodile, upon the point of bloud and extraction. The crocodile amplify’d wonderfully upon his family, for the credit of his ancestors. Friend (says the fox, smiling upon’t) there will need no herald to prove your gentility; for you carry the marks of your original in your very skin.
Moral: Great boasters and lyars have the fortune still some way or other to disprove themselves.
5. Vulpes et Pardus
Vulpes et pardus de pulchritudine concertabant et, pardo suam pellem versicolorem extollente, vulpes, cum suam praeponere non possit, dicebat pardo, “At quanto ego sum speciosior et quam longe formosior, quae non corpus, sed animum versicolorem et variis notis insignem sortita sum!”
글 작성/편집 올드코난 (Old Conan)
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